thanks for posting the symptom profiles for delta and omicron.
i think i may be over the hump and on the downhill slope of omicron. at least the symptoms fit the profile. i’ve been doing daily c, d3, and zinc plus a weekly ivm @25 mg for several months (a year? i didn’t mark it on the calendar when i started).
when i started having symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, moderate sore throat headache, and fatigue) i doubled up on the c, d, and zinc and bumped the ivm up to 35mg daily. i also took tylenol SEVERE cold & flu (1/4 the recco dosage level) for relief from the symptoms, and for the expectorant.
symptoms peaked third day, about on a level with a common cold, and are now (6th day) fading to level of mild discomfort and dropping.
did i have omicron? who the hell knows (or cares)? maybe the next scheduled checkup, i’ll ask the doc to run an antibody scan.