How many days in a row can you take it safely? FLCCC is not definite about that; says five or more for conditions with symptoms. I had some symptoms Jan 6-11, took slightly elevated dose for five days. Stopped because symptoms were mild and I had no fever. Those symptoms have not recurred, but sinus condition developed at same time as terrible bout of insomnia Jan 11-20 or so. Needed sleeping pills (seroquel) to stop that.
Along with the exhaustion and stress of not sleeping, I had incredible fatigue. It was about Jan18 I tested positive, PCR test in the hospital. Still my only real symptoms were the terrible fatigue (and not-too-bad sinus condition) And not very bad cough (mostly clearing throat from post-nasal drip from sinus??). My sense is that it was both sleep deprivation and perhaps covid symptoms as well. If that is correct, it implies to me that I had covid relapse from Jan 6-11 bout, or perhaps secondary infection during the interim Jan 11-20. OR the test was false positive OR showing residual covid for some time after it’s gone.
In any case, the fatigue was terrible and I decided to take ivermectin again to battle what was now an obvious symptom of covid for which I did test positive. Today was day three of an upped dose of paste. I’m taking the 250 lb. amount for my 160 or so lbs. That is higher than my usual, but not the double-to-triple dose that FLCCC would suggest.
This is important: The day after I took Ivermectin again, the fatigue virtually vanished. I mean night and day difference. I had a very good day yesterday, feeling a lot better than I had since the beginning of all this. Unfortunately, I was not as good today–some fatigue again–but noticeably not as bad as before.
And so the question: How many days in a row to take Ivermectin in this installment? I’m thinking at least five, and probably more if symptoms aren’t completely gone in two more days. I might have stopped too soon the first go round.