BC BS offered a small business group rate many years ago .I formed a small group of 13 ..they said our rate will be the same as all others of same size .
Until one member had a claim and he happened to be the oldest member .it was a family plan.I was the manager of the payments to BC/BS .after his wifes claim they came to me and said ..get rid of him and we will give you a better rate. ..I said no, you told me we have the same rate as all other groups of the same size …..two years later I was driving on NJ turnpike and a truck carrying large pipes broke a chain and dropped large steel pipes in front of me ..I barely missed a major accident ..when I got to my sisters house I was very stressed.I didnt feel right and asked my sister to take me to hospital…(2am in morning) .as luck would have it in the emergency room was a Heart DR .He immediately put an ekg on me and said I had a blood clot
on the right side of my heart from the stress.He put me on blood thinner and called Virginia Blue/Cross to get my plans autheriszation for treatment.
They told hin “get that guy outta there”my Dr was stunned and replied that would be malpractice .He then told me your gonna have to deal with them when you get home. I said ok you do whats medically necessary.In the end they only paid half the bill instead of the 80% the contract called for .I paid the rest out of pocket .Back home since I was the administrator of the plan I withheld the next payment of 13,000 ..THEY WENT BALASTIC .I then made arragements with all employees to pick up individual contracts as they were entitled to do .I never paid them last months premiums since THEY broke the contract paying only half.In order to get away with paying $6000 their 80 % they lost $13,000 in premiums .and I then waited without insurance until I qualified for Medicare. The DR completely disolved the clot without any heart damage. NOW I see BLue Cross is telling DRS dont use ivermectin ,they wont pay for it…WHAT ! What the fuck is going on ..a conspiracy to institute corprate rates as the want and when they want it,and what they will pay. Its nothing more than a Mussolini compact to merge corporate and Fascist government .NAZIs