OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Samb…thanks again.

Posted by amals @ 15:06 on January 23, 2022  

Amals @11:52

Posted by Samb @ 14:16 on January 23, 2022  

Well, I have’nt seen Ivermection recommended for longer then 5 days so, if it was me I would lay off for a while.  You fought off a debilitating infection so some fatigue is probably normal. If the fatigue persists then doctors have many different blood tests to isolate and then treat the specific viral causes. Could even be iron defficiency or the covid  may have reactivated a latent non related virus. Use your best judgement,  Godspeed.

Report: American Quality of Life Declines Over Past Decade

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:09 on January 23, 2022  

This story makes sense, except “past decade” is inaccurate, because the USA living standards were increasing from after the war and peaked during the 1960s, with a 1970 top for a lot of subjects. Trump was right about all the other countries taking advantage of us. He was frank or blunt, not afraid to expose and tell the truth and inform the public how they have been getting screwed. Its been a FIVE decade decline.


The Social Progress Index,
which considers itself “the most comprehensive measure of a country’s
social and environmental performance independent of economic factors,”
determined that out of 163 countries, only the United States, Brazil and Hungary
had slid backward over the past decade. And though the declines were
small, the U.S. saw the largest reduction in terms of overall score.

“Most countries tend to move forward,” says Michael Green, chief
executive officer of the Social Progress Imperative, which puts out the
index. “To move backwards is a remarkably bad thing to do. … The fact
that the U.S. is in the negative space is deeply worrying.”

“The decline of the United States over the last decade in this index –
more than any country in the world – is a reminder that we Americans
face structural problems that predate President (Donald) Trump and that
festered under leaders of both parties,” opinion columnist Nicholas
Kristof wrote for The New York Times. “Trump is a symptom of this larger malaise, and also a cause of its acceleration.”


Comment re last sentence. Trump is not a cause of acceleration of falling living standards. If anything, things in the USA should finally start getting better after his changes. Especially for fixing the old one sided lopsided US totally leftest Supreme court. His input is probably going to fix the decades old one-sided lopsided US Congress soon too. And the tariffs on China are still intact.

Samb@ 11:02

Posted by amals @ 11:52 on January 23, 2022  

Thank you very much.  I have been using the paste at a little less than double my preventative amount, which is as you describe. I’m doing five notches instead of three. I am on day four in a row.  I expect to continue at least tomorrow.  My main symptom is fatigue, which is noticeably better since my first dose of ivermectin.  The post referenced below yours describes an almost miraculous change overnight from my first dose.  The problem is I did not continue getting better; yesterday was a bit of a step back, but nowhere near as bad as before. So I’m still wondering how many days past five I should continue, especially my higher dose.  But I see your info about higher dose not a problem.  The thing is, my symptoms are few and mild, but they have not gone away completely.  My temperature has been between normal and 99.1.  It was 98.6 a few minutes ago. I don’t want overkill, but I don’t want to stop if my body still needs help. The odd thing is that fatigue was not a bad symptom during my initial bout of Jan 6-11.  It came on days later in the middle of bad insomnia that of course created extreme fatigue as well.  Maybe a combination effect.  The thing is, though, that I’m still battling the fatigue after having has several decent (albeit drug-induced) nights sleep.

Amals @9:27

Posted by Samb @ 11:02 on January 23, 2022  

There is a difference of opinion among practicing front line doctors worldwide that use Ivermection.  Some say use it for 5 consecutive days while others say use it on days 1, 3 and 7.

The dosage with the horse paste is @ .02 mg/per kg of body weight. However, that is the prophalactic dosage used weekly for prevention of contracting the virus in the first place. The dosage for when you are now sick with obvious symptoms is a range from .04 mg/kg to .06.

There were some patients in Bangladesh that didn’t respond well with the .02 but, recovered quickly with the higher dosages. Doctors in India and then the USA then tried these higher dosages and found their patients recovered faster. There are no safety issues with these higher dosages…in fact they are now standard practice.  Ivermection  is far safer then both Asperin and Tylenal. Hope this of help.

From my Ivermectin questions @19:57 1/22

Posted by amals @ 9:27 on January 23, 2022  

treefrog, thank you.  goldie, any thoughts?  Anyone else about how many days in a row to take it?  How many is too many?  I’ve done five before and am on day four now.  Please see post in heading.  TIA.

EEOS / BuyGold – good points , BG

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 8:31 on January 23, 2022  

Any damage to the zinc (anodic) coating will accelerate corrosion of the steel beneath , local to the point of damage . Back in the day of galvanized buckets , any scratch through to the steel created a failure mechanism .

But , take my suggestions as old school – I’ve been retired for over a quarter century .

For Clif High / Greg Hunter fans :

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 8:21 on January 23, 2022  

Vax Die-Off for Next Three Years – Clif High


Posted by Buygold @ 8:13 on January 23, 2022  

“I would like to know why not use hot galvanized dipped steel instead?”

Two reasons:

1) Weight

2) Aluminum wears better in extreme weather, hot dipped is more prone to rust over time. In addition, the hot dipped would have to be dipped after fabrication to protect the edges, which would be an extra process – more handling, etc.

If PUTIN changed places with BIDEN

Posted by Ororeef @ 7:15 on January 23, 2022  

the US would be better off,at least he  wouldent be SELLING us OUT and trying to get us into a WAR to distract us from his incompetency The US is a better Country,but its leader is worse .


Posted by Ororeef @ 7:07 on January 23, 2022  

Harry..HE made his decision to leave the UK ,,now he decided he still ENTITLED  to security protection at UK expense,,it was his decision lured by HOLLYWOOD liberals with Hollywood money .Now he wants it BOTH ways .He wants the protection of being a ROYAL AND the freedom for private GAIN.   Sorry Harry, your an ingrate and nobody likes an ingrate .


Posted by Ororeef @ 6:50 on January 23, 2022  

nothings changed ; just the faces…pleading for leftists votes ..this guy will not physically enforce the LAW  …….yak yak yak ..only.

TOO much democracy…mob rule……They wont elect a real crime buster until they’ ve tried all the rest …Meanwhile its escape from NY…

Silver rider

Posted by goldielocks @ 23:23 on January 22, 2022  

I’d say check with the doctor but I don’t know how much knowledge they have with vitamins.
I’ve given higher doses of zinc to wound patients as a regular order along with vita C for healing but for a limited time.
If it’s 15 mg zinc per 2 mg of copper and that’s okay with a doctor just do the math. If you take 30 mg zinc you’ll need 4 mg of copper. If you took 4 mg of copper you’ll need 30 mg zinc. Copper has benefits in itself though and has been used through time for ailments.
So whether you take together or not will depend on whether your taking the right amount of each together.
Remember the copper cups you probably don’t see anymore. I’ve used copper homeopathics before to stop muscle cramps. There not fast acting but you don’t want to take too much. Homeopaths dilute doses so safer.

Now we know who the real ASSHOLES ARE !

Posted by Ororeef @ 22:53 on January 22, 2022  

China Brings Back Anal Covid Swab Testing… Just in Time for Winter Olympics

Welcome to China!

Communist China was previously giving COVID anal swabs to adults and children.

The Chinese government also gave Biden Administration officials anal COVID swab tests upon arriving in China… ‘in error.’

China supposedly stopped the invasive swab testing after Japan, the US and other countries said the virus test was “undignified” and caused “psychological distress.”

TRENDING: MUST SEE: Laura Loomer Strikes Again! Confronts Shameless “Team McCarthy” At NRCC Retreat Over Support of Pro-Impeachment Republicans Like Liz Cheney

And now it’s back… just in time for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The Sun reported:

CHINA has brought back its “undignified” anal Covid swabs just two weeks before the Beijing Winter Olympics begin.

The Communist regime claims the virus test — which involves inserting a 5cm long saline-soaked swab up a patient’s bum and rotating it — is more accurate than other on-the-spot virus tests.


amals, ivermectin

Posted by treefrog @ 22:46 on January 22, 2022  

i recently had a bout with something that may have been omicron.  i didn’t get tested.  i had fatigue, and general upper respiratory cold symptoms sneezing, sinus, sniffles, sore throat, minor coughing.  no fever, no loss of taste/smell.  omicron?  maybe.

at first onset of symptoms i began 35 mg./day ivermectin (i’m 320 lbs) 1% solution by mouth.  a slightly elevated dosage.  symptoms peaked third day.  i continued the 35mg. ivm for seven days, by which time the symptoms had faded to a very low level.  discontinued the ivm, no return of symptoms.  i did have one odd side effect from the ivm – flatulence, quite a bit of it.

i can see no benefit to me of being tested.  i either had it, or i didn’t.   testing might get me quarantined.  next regular checkup, maybe i’ll ask the doc to run an antibody scan.  for my practical purposes, i don’t really need to know.  curiosity killed the pussy.

This one is about money…

Posted by old-timer @ 22:06 on January 22, 2022  

Dave, of X22Report interviews Craig Hemke, of TF Metaks Report.

Topics are, the view forward, interest rates, metals prices, effects of Scamdemic on the economy.

yea you guys get it

Posted by eeos @ 21:38 on January 22, 2022  

Here’s another one I saw this week, predicting a squeeze in Aluminum coming b/c everyone used it for racking on solar panel installs. I would like to know why not use hot galvanized dipped steel instead? Seems it would save an ape ton in aluminum. https://www.sciencealert.com/solar-panel-boom-s-demand-for-aluminium-is-a-big-carbon-problem

Chinese are going for the gold in solar. Game over.

I just got a smart meter and my bill doubled. We have three time of use tiers now in CO. 17 cent a KW hour at top tier. That’s a royal rip-off. AK rates are 22 cents KW/Hr and that’s because there are VERY few people and tons of wire. Xcel is scamming Colorado and a PUC judge screwed us. This is what happens where CO has too many liberal voters that come from CA with all their fake funny money.

eeos @ 17:59

Posted by ipso facto @ 20:04 on January 22, 2022  

“NFT’s” Now that’s a solid investment! LOL

Buygold @ 15:13

Posted by ipso facto @ 19:59 on January 22, 2022  

What could be the bottom on BTC? I sure don’t know.

Hopefully some of those dollars coming out of it will go into PMs.

Ivermectin again…

Posted by amals @ 19:57 on January 22, 2022  

How many days in a row can you take it safely? FLCCC is not definite about that; says five or more for conditions with symptoms.  I had some symptoms Jan 6-11, took slightly elevated dose for five days.  Stopped because symptoms were mild and I had no fever.  Those symptoms have not recurred, but sinus condition developed at same time as terrible bout of insomnia Jan 11-20 or so.  Needed sleeping pills (seroquel) to stop that.

Along with the exhaustion and stress of not sleeping, I had incredible fatigue.  It was about Jan18 I tested positive, PCR test in the hospital.  Still my only real symptoms were the terrible fatigue (and not-too-bad sinus condition) And not very bad cough (mostly clearing throat from post-nasal drip from sinus??).  My sense is that it was both sleep deprivation and perhaps covid symptoms as well.  If that is correct, it implies to me that I had covid relapse from Jan 6-11 bout, or perhaps secondary infection during the interim Jan 11-20.  OR the test was false positive OR showing residual covid for some time after it’s gone.

In any case, the fatigue was terrible and I decided to take ivermectin again to battle what was now an obvious symptom of covid for which I did test positive. Today was day three of an upped dose of paste.  I’m taking the 250 lb. amount for my 160 or so lbs.  That is higher than my usual, but not the double-to-triple dose that FLCCC would suggest.

This is important:  The day after I took Ivermectin again, the fatigue virtually vanished.  I mean night and day difference. I had a very good day yesterday, feeling a lot better than I had since the beginning of all this.  Unfortunately, I was not as good today–some fatigue again–but noticeably not as bad as before.

And so the question:  How many days in a row to take Ivermectin in this installment? I’m thinking at least five, and probably more if symptoms aren’t completely gone in two more days.  I might have stopped too soon the first go round.

goldie/silver rider: Copper and zinc

Posted by amals @ 19:25 on January 22, 2022  

I was looking into that today as well; would like to understand it better.  I think I understood it to be 2mg copper to 15mg zinc. (?).  Also, take them together or separate?

Goldi – re:Copper/Zinc

Posted by silver rider @ 18:45 on January 22, 2022  

I too would like to know how to insure that you maintain the right levels of copper/zinc.   Too much zinc will deplete copper.   Too much copper will deplete zinc.

@eeos Re That Rain Dance Story

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 18:28 on January 22, 2022  

I read it, and there is a lot I can say about it, but why bother. Re this one part:

“We look forward to engaging with the public, elected representatives, and a broad range of stakeholders as we examine the positives and negatives of a central bank digital currency in the United States,” Jay Powell, Fed chair, said in a statement.”

Comment: The way I interpret paragraph is that he knows the system is too complicated and distorted and they don’t know what to do anymore, and want other people involved so they get off the hook.

They had no business gradually going off the Gold standard and fooling around with the invisible hand of capitalism. They are SCREWED and the whole system is VULNERABLE. There was zero inflation all thru 1800s and up to about 1930, prices were flat to lower for over 100 years. Maybe even in the 1700s I don’t know.

You didn’t need to ask for a pay raise, you could have the same Sears Catalogue for a hundred years, if you had a business, you never had to raise prices. The system had price stability with a Gold standard actual real money. What they did had growth advantages for the short term, 1913 until 9/11 and 2008, which ended the recent game, Bretton Woods 1945.

Actually, Bretton Woods ended in 1971.

My brother pointed out to me that gold never got wacked for 50% from it’s high

Posted by eeos @ 17:59 on January 22, 2022  

like Bitcoin has. And now we have these clowns wanting to sell people crypto. Fed opens debate over possible digital currency>>> https://www.ft.com/content/df3ef633-d514-4f9f-8e96-b345a22b0630

NFT’s too, more electronic garbage. https://fortune.com/2022/01/19/teen-nft-artist-1-million/

It smells like dead fish.

Basel III Could Be One Of The Reasons Why Gold Has Been Holding $1800 Like A Champ

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 16:46 on January 22, 2022  

Parts Of Link Below:

Under the new regime, physical, or allocated, gold, like bars and coins, will be reclassified from a tier 3 asset, the riskiest asset class, to a tier 1 zero-risk weight —putting it “right alongside with cash and currencies as an asset class,” said Adam Koos, president of Libertas Wealth Management Group.

Since physical gold will have a risk-free status, this could cause banks around the world to continue to buy more, Koos said, adding that central banks already have stepped up purchases of physical gold to be held in the institutions’ vaults, and not held in unallocated, or paper form.

Under the new rules, paper gold would be classified as more risky than physical gold, and no longer counted as an asset equal to gold bars or coins.

If a physical gold broker’s cost of financing his stock of coins and bars, for example, doubles, then it’s likely he’ll hold less inventory, and charge higher premiums for his products, Norman explained. “If financial markets become stressed and gold demand rises sharply, then physical supply would be greatly constrained

Goldmoney’s Macleod expects banks to be “discouraged” from dealings in gold forward contracts in London and in futures contracts on Comex.

That can lead to “greater price volatility and at the margin, some bank customers who have had unallocated gold and silver accounts will seek to maintain their exposure by buying physical bullion,” he said.

These new changes also come at a time of accelerated monetary inflation and it’s “very likely” that the combination of the two events “will drive price higher,” Macleod said. How much higher depends on how weak the dollar becomes in terms of its purchasing power, he said.


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.