Might not hurt although only guessing from long distance for you to drop into a urgent care and ask for a prescription of a few days of prednisone and a strong antibiotic like zpac.
I would too just to kick something out that wants to linger but beating it and have a strong antibiotic and prednisone on hand. Last year I got a mix up with doctors saw a male NP who mixed up some medicine and and accidentally gave me 30 antibiotics to take as needed lol the pharmacy knew but encouraged me to keep it anyways lol When I got back to my doctor I showed him prescription and concerned him a bit and got back on tract as that guy denied a test I needed said I’d have to go to the Er which was a wrong answer for routine test and no you don’t go to the ER. I actually felt sorry for him and didn’t report him and don’t know if my doctor called the main doctor on the NP although a strange prescription probably crosses the doctors path. I know I wouldn’t want to be a patient in that other office. If you go to urgent care you might just get what you might need.
Ipso 10:03
Condolences to your sister and her family.
So they don’t do treatments that work just experimental half ass treatments that don’t or don’t by itself and call it science. Is it FDA approved? I see no medical science back up their claims they so try to point out with Ivermectin that has results. Remdesivir doesn’t work and causes harm but they use it anyways and call it science.
I hope the family sues them for denying treatments like monoclonal antibodies that do work. Not even anti inflammatory or antibiotics. Make them prove how their vitamins alone was supposed to save her.
This is what’s scaring people to believe it’s the virus alone not the malpractice and neglect that’s causing the deaths.
When I looked for alternative ways to get the ivermectin I could already see that these same murderers would try to stop that too and they did. It’s time they stop getting away with it. And if kids who weight enough get it you can’t tell them. They called the CPS on one man who gave it to his kids and that probably why in that same city New Hampshire there’s a bill to make Ivermectin available over the counter now.
When Dr Mobeen got sick his collages gave him a prescription of Ivermectin but the pharmacy wouldn’t fill it. He finally got it somehow but almost gave up on it and he is one of the lead doctors spreading the news of the front line doctors from around the world. Dr Kory has lost 5 jobs so far over saving lives and even treated politicians family’s with it when he was still useful to them I guess.
I think I see why Palladium is doing so well !
Putin is not willing to let Wall Street dictate his share of global palladium production .
statista.com chart .
Got it. Thanks.
What War….anybody heard about Ukraine…scum sure haven’t……
That has to be one of the most epic rallies of all time……and based off what ???? nothing I can see.
Just raw scum power.
AMALS recommended reading for Nebulizers (I dont give medical advice)
I bought mine on Amazon,desktop model ,there are several, my package comes with 12 % food grade Peroxide and saline packs
A word of caution..the 12% Peroxide MUST be diluted down..I use only two drops mixed with saline solution of 6ml .for the nebulizer
I also use the saline that I make with the AYR nasel rinse .I figure if its safe for nasel rinse ,itl be ok for nebulizer .How much you dilute Peroxide it down depends on what peroxide you get .NO its not the same brown bottle peroxide in retail stores.The DR in the video explains how to dilute.
Mr. Dress Up Nazi has gone crazy
These little plexiglass prisons inside the Quebec Walmarts are where they confine the unvaccinated while they wait for a security escort which will follow them around to make sure they aren't putting any non-pharmaceutical items their cart. https://t.co/mOFwV5qpB9 pic.twitter.com/XwccQJC7Bn
— FRANCIS – BULLBITCOIN.COM (@francispouliot_) January 24, 2022
amals @ 12:10
Thanks. Hopefully there’s some retribution down the road.
Charts will look great if they manage to turn the SM higher
pm shares too.
The Russell 2K is actually up on the day now.
Nice reversal in Bitcoin too off the lows.
Ororeef @12:38, 1/24
Thanks for the info. I found AYR spray, but what is your Nebulizer, and what Peroxide? Regular brown bottle hydrogen peroxide?
I have been using a 1% povidone iodine solution from a little nasal spray bottle. My condition never got too bad, and it never stopped me up; I have been able to breathe freely both day and night the entire time I’ve had it. It’s just kind of lurking there, and I just blow my nose or snort it the other way sometimes (I know, should avoid as much as possible in order to keep from packing bad stuff deeper up there; only when it seems to want to go that way to get into my mouth to be able to spit it out). In any case, my O2 levels have ranged from 99-96, mostly 98-96. I don’t think I’ve gone lower than that.
And, yes, I’m doing everything I can to stay away from hospitals, and doctors, too, when I can. But sometimes you need someone to write a prescription, and sometimes a good doc can help diagnose/treat. The trick is finding a good one. I don’t have one at the moment, and I am looking. Rather go to a trusted doc if/when things get out of hand, rather than the ER or a urgent care facility.
What drives me mad is the way the scum force the PM’s to follow the SM
which is utter insanity,…like now, as soon as the SM rammed higher PM’s can catch a bid….why a healthy SM, shud be bad for PM’s and vice versa….
HUI putting up a fight
back above 250 that looked like it wouldn’t hold. Hopefully it stays that way.
Yikes for the SM, this appears to be the big one.
I’m waiting for two words from the Fed – “data driven”. If the mumble those two words, they will be crying “uncle.”
amals @ 9:25 on January 24, 2022
sounds like your sinus condition is very much like mine.In the AM I use AYR nasel rinse squeeze bottle with 1 salt packet that comes with it and 6 oz distilled water …Then I turn on the my Nebulizer that has two drops Peroxide and salt solution from the nasel rinse 6ml ..I stay clear all day .
My oxy level is 99-100 % .Hope someone benefits from my regimen…Sinus has been a problem since three years ago after a hospital stay.
Stay away from Drs and Hospitals when possible ..thats where the sick people are.!
Very sorry to hear that. It is infuriatingly criminal what is going on. But it’s so much more than that as well. It is ignorant, it is stupid, it is an entrenched system, it needs lamp posts for the truly guilty; the ones who know better and have pushed the wrong agenda. I know, I’m preaching to the choir here. But when it hits anyone you know, it’s all the more maddening to be unable to help. Or get help. My condolences.
@ Maddog 10:30
Psychopathy exists on a sliding scale, how one responds depends on what extent they find themselves. No need to evaluate these nutbars.
I agree those doctors and admins are murdering criminals … no other word for it.
Sibanye-Stillwater ditches $1bn Brazil copper and nickel deal
Sibanye-Stillwater (JSE: SSW) (NYSE: SBSW) has walked away from a $1-billion deal to acquire the Santa Rita nickel and Serrote copper mines in Brazil, which would have boosted its growing battery metals portfolio.
The South African miner said the decision followed a “geotechnical event” at Santa Rita, one of the world’s largest nickel-cobalt sulphide open pit mine, which the company thought it to be “material and adverse to the business”.
Sibanye-Stillwater ditches $1bn Brazil copper and nickel deal
ipso facto
Condolances…..U wonder how those Doctors and administrators look at themselves in the morning…..
Russia will hold live-fire naval drills in February around 150 miles off the Irish coast, Dublin has revealed
Which means a large chunk of the Atlantic, will be closed off….Not sure any of our 2 rowing boats are capable of working in the Atlantic during winter….
My wife’s sister died yesterday from covid pneumonia. In Phoenix, she was 72.
Docters were asked about treating her with Ivermectin or monoclonal antibodies. Said “we don’t do that protocol here.”
Treated her with IV Vit C and zinc and I don’t know what else. Basically they killed her with ineffective treatments.
Poll Results
Is Russia going to invade Ukraine? (Within the year)
Yes (43%, 20 Votes)
No (39%, 18 Votes)
I don’t know (17%, 8 Votes)
Ukraine? (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 46
The warmongers are licking their chops at the prospect of war in Ukraine. Meanwhile Vlad just sits back and watches the west steam over nothing at all.
At least one world leader is keeping his calm and it ain’t China Joe.
PS I was glad to see that Germany isn’t going along with the program.