Steam, diesel, and electric
Regardless, if anybody takes the time to watch this very well done distraction I would like to know if you “see” what I am referring to. Thanks from Silverngold!
Whispers Of An Emergency Fed Rate Hike As Soon As Tomorrow
Just another down 500+ points down for the Industrials … Powell and his gang are sucking down Tums like Halloween candy!
Up $1350.00 per ounce . ( 8.57 % )
Yup that was a real sucker punch day, it all looked great and then the scum just had to make darn sure everything else looked as bad as the SM
Though i note rates never eased a bit despite the very weak SM…..that is a real problem for the scum.
Great idea…only problem is Demented Joe would be looking for a pop group called the 3 Gorges !!!!
Simply take out the 3 Gorges DAM ..the Electric goes out…the FLOOD will wash away the Wuhan LAB and everything with it..Set back China 20 Years.
and now since New Zealand has turned fascist there’s no escape!
what’s next? A rip up to $1850 or do we head south? Doesn’t really look like we’re headed south.
not surprising, it’s always something holding it back
Is the UK in better shape?
Yr having a laugh…..we’re all in the same barb wire boat, on the same lovely river and not a paddle between us.
nice recovery from the cabal
Arrest the usual suspects for NEM being down. At least many of the others are higher!
If that gold in Fort Knox is gone (very possible) then the USA is going to be in big trouble when the paper money scam blows up!
Is the UK in better shape?
Look at that SM ‘recover’ !!!!…while rates are flying up and the dollar tanking……?????
In Bizzaro World they’d be down. Bizzaro World is slowly fading away.
Re yr prices
They just cook it…look at NEM…dn over 1 % …..nothing is real, least of all those Bar’s in Fort Knox.
Otavio (Tavi) Costa
Let’s put this CPI number in perspective…
Here are some price changes since January 2021:
Nat gas +81%
Oil +66%
Agricultural commodities +24%
Rent +13%
Used car prices +44%
Gasoline +36%
Cattle prices +20%
Lumber +15%
Coffee +92%
Hotel Prices +37%
Then, today:
CPI: +7.5%