OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 6:05 on February 13, 2022  

That was interesting to listen to since I woke and thought I’d go back to sleep listening to it but was thinking he was lucky he got to stay so long after one thing after another he spent a lot of time there. I didn’t see the first part where it said 11 hours. Until then I was thinking I only got as far as the tunnel and the light before I got pushed out. Same words your not ready yet and few more that they need you here. I didn’t want to back either. In fact I physically while going in and out reached out and thought it was a dream till I saw the finger print bruises on my arm where someone was pulling my arms back down.
Ps I don’t remember hearing anything but that and some moaning a woman in pain who I recognized as a great aunt who died but when she was younger she almost died in childbirth because they held the baby back till the doctor came in and baby died.she could have no more children afterward. Here her husband a pilot in WW2 fighting this country and back home this was happening to his wife. That’s how I recognized her or how she had me recognize her. I then remember it as the tunnel of death your moving up from. There were dead people in seemingly order in the time they died as I moved up toward the light. At the same time I realized I could move or travel anywhere very fast.
I am wondering though if he integrated some things going on here with there. Like the doors. Perhaps it was people or rescue getting him out of the truck. Things like that.
I was very non materialistic for years after because of it. Nothing here seemed to matter much besides essentials and books lol

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.