OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 8:25 on February 21, 2022  

A easing due to talks with Biden and Putin. I can hear it now. Putin reminding him of all the favors he gave Hunter he doesn’t want getting out. He already gave him the pipeline that Trump and Cruz stopped because it ran around Ukraine.
Bidens like yeah what ever you want and Putin’s like yeah I know you weak demo fools.

Doesn’t mean it’s gonna stay down with all the inflation pressures still going on while demands for commodities might increase like oil and economies picking up that are no longer on lock down.

Crash tomorrow?

Posted by Buygold @ 8:13 on February 21, 2022  

Everything getting hit in the futures market. Bitcoin, SM, PM’s etc..

A long weekend before the kick in the nads?


Posted by silverngold @ 23:27 on February 20, 2022  
If you’re waking up to what they are doing you will realize  this is the reason they have put Graphene Oxide in the jabs and also why they are insisting every person in the world gets the “vaccine(s)”. With Graphene Oxide in the jabs these crowd control weapons penetrate your body like a microwave oven cooks a turkey. Wake up or your goose is cooked too… LITERALLY! (IMO) This IS COVID!


Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 23:16 on February 20, 2022  

The New Bullet



Posted by silverngold @ 23:11 on February 20, 2022  


Lots of good exposure to hear but no need to watch. Just put it on and listen as you go about your evening.

Old timer

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:10 on February 20, 2022  

The video on there from the Canadian cabinet.
The rep from Ottawa?? questioning the speaker “ in the black robe” asking what members are members of the wef and Klaus Schwab.
Notice how his time was up because they couldn’t hear him, it was cutting off while talking about what he said then quickly went to another who blurted out what he asked was Misinformation “dis-information.” The truth always is but they couldn’t him right? They could hear him.
So the speaker not wanting to acknowledge that quickly cut him off too.
That video is in Armstrong’s post I posted and what they’re up to.
This one on your post:
Meanwhile, Canadian MP Collin Carrie was cut off when asking about the influence of the WEF in domestic politics.

ZeroHedge has a good report of how treason is occurring…

Posted by old-timer @ 20:09 on February 20, 2022  

They kind of wrap all the loose pieces into a very understandable package.


PM’s look OK here to open up the night session

Posted by Buygold @ 18:54 on February 20, 2022  

Oil too….

Good Republican congresswoman promoting a bill to allow asylum to Canadian Truck drivers.

Posted by goldielocks @ 18:18 on February 20, 2022  

There short on drivers anyways due to high turnover by the way they’re treated and Covid made it worse.

SNG 14:25

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:56 on February 20, 2022  

Just saw the video posted it on FB but so far they said their putting my post because of this in the bottom of the feed and yesterday said account restricted no one can see this but you lol
I sent individual messages to a Canadian already wanting Trudeau out who knew he was a tyrant.

If you can let the truckers know a convoy it’s starting up here too. I believe it’s going to start in the beginning March. It would be better if they coordinate together.
I heard but can’t verify their going to block off the delivery roads to DC and to warn the people of DC to stock up with supplies. Personally I can’t see anyone who lives in DC that deserves to be warned.

Ororeef 9:42

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:12 on February 20, 2022  

Re Arm the truckers. They will pick them off and kill or jail them one by one.
There is one simple thing they can do. Coordinate a strike with both Canadian and American truck drivers.
Let these people who think they can demand they are vaccinated go drive all over the country in snow and all sorts of bad weather and get their own supplies. Who do they think they are?

I see what he’s watching, the polls. As long as the people are easily influenced and or censored from the truth he will follow Schwab orders thinking he can be a permanent dictator and no longer worry about elections. That will be his prize and Canada’s demise. You see how this joker treats people now if he can get away with it.

Are these people who fell for it so arrogant they don’t think he won’t do it to all of them once he’s in permanent power? When they come for them next, their homes, bank accounts, property, their neighbors, husband, wife or children?
If they do they’ll get what they ask and hope we give the freedom fighter only asylum.

I don’t see this posted yet but EVERY person in the world needs to watch this 9 minute video, and then join in!

Posted by silverngold @ 14:25 on February 20, 2022  


If you still don’t see that this is NOT a Canadian problem, it is a WORLD problem being orchestrated by a handfull of people trying to act like they are god while they destroy humanity. Please join in tomorrow, Feb 21 and lets put a stop to this world tyranny.


Globalization in Reverse, Time.com MARCH 27, 2014, I Called the Reversal First, after 9/11/01, When We Were Attacked, Even A Cave Man Would Realise It.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:06 on February 20, 2022  

Below is the first and ONLY mass media article that I agree with, since I predicted the reversal trend when it started. I wonder how the author noticed 13 years later? Globalization started in earnest after the Gold Depeg in 1971. 51 years ago and was really global socialism, and THAT, is failing. Like we were taught long ago, socialism can’t last long term, and here we are. In the long term. Everything has slowly evolved into the present mess. 9/11 precipitated or forced a chain of events to delay the ending of a globally integrated trade and financial system from imploding. Events? C’mon. Dropped rates after ’01 to create a real estate and “home depot” spending boom. Then another collapse in ’08, needed a spending boom on Stocks. Then the Covid needed another spending boom of hand outs. Lets see what they do next, after the next up and coming collapse of some kind. Get the popcorn.


With global economic integration seemingly in reverse, at least for the moment, many economists and trade experts are beginning to talk about a new era of deglobalization, during which countries turn inward. Some of the implications are worrisome. Complaints to the World Trade Organization about protectionism, intellectual-property theft and new trade barriers are rising. Trade talks themselves are no longer global but regional and local, threatening to create a destructive so-called spaghetti bowl of competing economic alliances.

Whole story.

Recent conflicts everywhere from Ukraine to the Middle East and the South China Sea remind us (as Robert D. Kaplan wrote in TIME’s March 31 cover story) that geography still matters, even in a globalized age. Politically, the world is certainly not flat. New economic figures show how increasingly rocky our world is becoming economically too. Globalization is often defined as the free movement of goods, people and money across borders. Lately, all of those have come under threat–and not just because of sanctions limiting travel and the flow of money among Russia, the U.S. and Europe. Over the past two years, global trade growth has been lower than global GDP growth. It’s the first time that has happened since World War II, and it marks a turning point in the global economy, with sweeping implications for countries, companies and consumers.

There are many reasons global trade is growing more slowly than it has in the past. Europe is still struggling to end its debt crisis, and emerging markets are expanding more slowly than they were. But one of the biggest factors is that the American economy is going through a profound shift: the U.S. is no longer the global consumer of last resort. As HSBC’s chief economist, Stephen King, pointed out in a recent research note, during postwar recoveries past, “the U.S. economy acted as a giant sponge,” absorbing excess goods and services produced by the rest of the world. Booms would bust; markets would crash and recover. And whenever they did, you could be sure that Americans would start spending again, and eventually our trade deficit–the level by which imports exceed exports–would grow. That’s now changing. After nearly five years of recovery, the U.S. trade deficit isn’t growing but shrinking. In fact, it was down by about 12% from 2012 to 2013.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing for us. Part of the reason the deficit is shrinking is that our shale-oil and gas boom means we are buying less foreign fossil fuel, and our manufacturing sector is growing. But part of it is that wages haven’t come up since the crisis, and consumer spending is still sluggish. In order for the U.S. and the world economy to keep growing, somebody has to shell out for the electronics, cars and other goods we used to buy more of.

Unfortunately, no one is doing that. Europeans, still stuck in a debt crisis, probably won’t spend again for another five years. Emerging-economy countries, in various levels of turmoil, are growing at roughly half the rate they did precrisis. The Chinese, who picked up a lot of the global-spending slack after the financial reckoning of 2008, are now in the midst of a financial crisis of their own. Japan did its bit last year, but Abenomics–the government’s plan to encourage spending, named for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe–is running out of steam. Everywhere, says Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser to insurance giant Allianz, “there is a mismatch between the will and the wallet to spend.”

With global economic integration seemingly in reverse, at least for the moment, many economists and trade experts are beginning to talk about a new era of deglobalization, during which countries turn inward. Some of the implications are worrisome. Complaints to the World Trade Organization about protectionism, intellectual-property theft and new trade barriers are rising. Trade talks themselves are no longer global but regional and local, threatening to create a destructive so-called spaghetti bowl of competing economic alliances.

Yet deglobalization isn’t necessarily all bad. As U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said at an economic summit in Washington recently, it also “means companies are looking at their extended value chains, supply chains, and deciding whether they want to move some production back to their home country.” That’s already happened in the U.S. A study by the Boston Consulting Group found that 21% of all manufacturing firms in the U.S. with $1 billion or more in sales are actively reshoring, and 54% say they are considering it.

Whether or not those jobs will help boost wages is something the Federal Reserve will be watching carefully. One of the hallmarks of the past 30 years of globalization was an easy-money environment. As Fed Chair Janet Yellen indicated at her latest press conference, we are coming to the end of that era. In this new economic age, not all boats will rise equally or smoothly. Markets, which had more or less converged for the past 30 years, will start diverging along national and sectoral lines. Our economic landscape, like our political one, will become more volatile and less predictable. Get ready for a bumpy ride.

This appears in the April 07, 2014 issue of TIME.

The 2008 Crash, Trump Getting Elected, The Covid, The Truckers, The Shortages, Lack Of Cheap Labor, The “Reset” We All Heard About Is Happening.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:47 on February 20, 2022  

Its time to be happy. Its just going to be bumpy going from the distorted evolution of the past that went too far, back to normalcy.

COT Report – the scum is back in town

Posted by Buygold @ 10:15 on February 20, 2022  

The funds have been driving gold higher and the scum is rapidly taking the other side. Usually doesn’t work out too well for the funds.

CFTC Commitments of Traders Report – CMX (Futures Only)


Posted by Ororeef @ 9:51 on February 20, 2022  

Arm the Truckers,,, arm the truckers,, arm the truckers.

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:42 on February 20, 2022  

the time is NOW !

Its time for

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:25 on February 20, 2022  

the MANY Canadian millionaires to put their money where their mouth is and use their money to stop this invasion by treason.

Trudeau is using the same tactics that Castro did to infiltrate and sell out by DECEIT  the decent Canadian people . WE cannot sit idly by and allow this treason to occur at our doorstep . They have corrupted some Canadian legislators and have betrayed their own Country ….nothing  to see here same ole Communist betrayal …Wake up Canada ,ask for US help to remove this scourge .You cant do it alone the forces against you are GLOBAL.  THE US will help …..

This is TREASON against the Canadian people….

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:19 on February 20, 2022  

WE need to educate them to whats going on,they are infiltrated and have been corrupted by Schwab bribing their legislators and taking advantage of a peacefull country not wise to the scheming and plotting of communists .The US needs to educate the Canadians to keep this from spreading here ,we cannot afford to sit idley by while the treasonists are at our doorstep .This is a step they have taken as a prelude to a US invasion,a TEST for the real Government takeover …the US..

Bitcoin not having a great weekend down to $38K now

Posted by Buygold @ 8:46 on February 20, 2022  

If I were long the regular SM, I’d be nervous about the Tuesday open after a long weekend. Scum may decide to try to prop the futures Monday night, but my gut says the SM has a long way to fall.

I’ve been posting this on Canadian sites Canadians who can navigate the news need to do the same

Posted by goldielocks @ 6:09 on February 20, 2022  

Read this..
lis ça I’ll est en anglias Means read this it is en English

Schwab was not kidding and it was not the misinformation. The Emergency Act will become permanent in Canada. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland intends to make permanent the invasive financial surveillance system introduced as part of the “Emergencies Act” to absolutely destroy and crush the civil liberties protests and to be able to defund all opposition. Freeland is also a Young Global Leader graduate who is also loyal to Schwab. They have been indoctrinated with an authoritarian view of powers and Canada is to have its sovereignty surrendered to Schwab’s global vision. She declared:

Canadian Parliament Protects Schwab, Trudeau, & WEF


Posted by goldielocks @ 5:26 on February 20, 2022  

They already lost unless some miracle they wake up. Many are but not enough. They became a county of sheep.
They think the protesters are trouble makers and think it’s appropriate what Trudeau is doing. As long as the poll numbers support him he won’t negotiate.
That is the key to get him to stop. As long as the sheep watching scare tactics and fake news about Covid and support him the country is going to be lost to communism, you’ll have nothing a be happy Klaus Schwab calling the shots.

Ps If that’s how they feel and critiquing the US truckers for not being vaccinated then perhaps they should go get their own supplies.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 1:40 on February 20, 2022  

The Coast Starlight heads north


Greg Hunter and Martin Armstrong…

Posted by old-timer @ 18:39 on February 19, 2022  

New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart – Martin Armstrong

Canada will never be the same !

Posted by Ororeef @ 15:52 on February 19, 2022  

Investors need to re assess where to hold their investments ….I wonder if Eric Sprott will continue to invest Gold assets in Canada ..

I dont need to think about it twice …Im looking !

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.