A Canadian Classic
“The Birth Of The ‘Baby Twins’ – Russia’s Strategic Swing Drives NATOstan Nuts”
This is an excellent explanation of the Russian side of the story. Basically, Putin has turned the tables on the ‘regime changers’ of the West and done a little ‘nation building’ on his own… pointedly under international law… while decrying the west’s failure to comply with their own international promises.
Yep they did with promise of protecting their sovereignty. Trust goes two ways.
War has been declared. Bombing of their capital. Hacks non stop trying to shut everything down.
A message from Putin, maybe he got the idea from Klaus Schwabs lap dog, anyone assisting them there will he consequences you’ve never seen before.
Supposedly Ukraine gave up what nuclear weapons it had 30 years ago. I sure wouldn’t trust them with nukes.
Then there’s the question …
“Bitcoin as a stock”
That compacts a lot of descriptions in one.
On our side with the war mongers we have here wanting war and we how good they are at that after Afghanistan, we need to watch our own back yards. Like what a cyber attack could do.
Disturbing message from Ukraine’s President saying if necessary he’ll use nukes. I don’t think that’s a good idea.
I can understand he feels though. David going up against Goliath sort of thong. Russia looks like it’s war reading right now.
How can Putin say he recognizes only part of Ukraine? Old men killing young men over ego trips or for votes.
and the only financial TV is CNBS. So, watching the “Fast Money” guys which I haven’t watched in many years.
Couldn’t believe my ears. Tim Seymour said gold is in a new trend and looks poised to go higher. Another guy BK said something even more stunning. He said that since so many big funds own Bitcoin, they are treating it as a SM asset that is susceptible to economic and Fed moves. In other words, the damn thing is trading like a stock and will likely trade with the SM.
Being the simpleton I am, I was stunned by that news because I thought for sure it was an inflation hedge, at least that was what the pundits said. Seymour said nope, it’s a stock now. Glad they cleared that up.
BTW – does anyone own XME?
He’s one of the Evil Ones no doubt about that. Klaus Schwab’s lap dog!
I don’t even want to open that link and turn low blood pressure to high.
Keep people safe from what??!!!
He had goons in front of a coffee shop prevent people from going there.
Goons running over people in the streets. Goons assaulting people.
Tech goons stealing from people bank accounts. Like he was playing tough guy on law abiding citizens pretending they’re terrorists. If they were real terrorist he would go in hiding or do nothing like they did nothing when one did strike.
He showed his true character.
I’m telling my grandson the cartoon version of Robin Hood. The fake lion king that wasn’t the real king sacking the city and jailing any citizens who spoke up against it. Until the real King came back.
Trudeau Revokes Emergency Powers Act
BREAKING: Prime Minister Trudeau revokes Emergencies Act after 10 days, saying he is 'confident that existing laws and bylaws are now sufficient to keep people safe.'#cdnpoli #ottnews pic.twitter.com/Izm992SF1n
— Stephanie Ha (@stephanie_ha) February 23, 2022
The charts showing the recent rolling over on all time highs, is exactly what was happening just before Trump got elected. Stale long bull market rolling over, and Trump gave them four more years of crazier highs. I can’t think of anything that will replay that 4 year Trump boom after this roll over. Probably only the natural resources or commodities stocks important stuff, will do good. Foods Fuels and Metals.
Esp. considering the clobberization of the SM!
So I wouldn’t be surprised for the cabal to attack gold here shortly. It’s probably a good time for me to buy insurance in the name of puts on some of my fatter rides. Just in case. My brother warned me about this a couple weeks ago
but it depends on context, education, experience, background and it’s always about a person’s perspective. So the person might be speaking “truth” but I find it non-useful or irrelevant.
that was the simple version, but there are lots of shades in the world
That’s a broad question.
back in the mix.
I’ve said it before, this is a re-run of 2001. So many people are going to get hurt.
Dare I say it? The new bull market in pm’s has begun. Is this the beginning of the 3rd phase of the bull?
If so, I may even live to see some of it.
having one of the sectors that is performing well while the SM is weak.
All morning on financial TV they’ve said how Russia is using gold and euro’s to weather whatever storm comes from the sanctions. In a normal market that might be a good bump in gold but not yet today.