The whole system is stupid. Its a big casino. Where stupid people can look smart with millions of dollars, and smart people or investors look dumb when the gov’t makes changes in currency exchange rates, or raises the interest rates, or it out laws your coal energy business because of some stupid EPA laws. Gee, remember the days when you wanted to raise or lower your idle speed? With a little screw on the side of the carburetor?
Also the system is focused on the first black this or the first woman that. And lets ban the use of fossil fuel. And lets have open borders. Maybe the system wants a big world war again to start the next new artificial boom system. It will create plenty of work, and cull the population like WW II did after 79 million people died. Lets not forget, the global community makes the USA do all the dirty work, like dropping Atom bombs on a country because it was time to end the war they all started.