I started getting suspicious when JFK was assassinated. In 1963. Then in 1965 they wanted us in South Vietnam to fight for a global western colony of business interests. “We are winning, we just need more time” for 12 years. Then the Gun Control act of 1968. Who wanted that??? in 1969-70 all the “Toyotas” started flooding in. Then the gas lines, by 1975 news?
“The United Auto Workers make too much money and are ruining the country.” “We don’t want those dirty polluting jobs” “We don’t need the menial rust belt jobs” “Competition is good, the consumer will get cheaper high quality imported products” Yeah right, it was all down hill .
“We” took a good beating with living standards after ’75. First they took the cake, then they took the crumbs. Giving unqualified people 110% mortgage loans with no money down. Now there is nothing left to take, so they keep us alive with counterfeit money. Until it stops working