On your Winedoc question, I’ll look forward to his answer….but I think you just posted many experts opinions and answers.
My personal opinion is that these jabs contain, among other things, two additional things of concern. One is parasites, and the other is Graphene Oxide. Regarding the parasites, this is IMO why Ivermectin has worked so effectively for those who received the jabs. Ivermectin is primarily an ant-parasitic which has been given to billions of people/mammals for years without any adverse effects. Just do a search in the search box on the right and you will get lots of verification on dosage etc. for whatever form of Ivermectin you get.
Regarding Graphene Oxide (GO), this IMO is what is causing the blood clots etc. in those who have received the jabs, and why it has hit young athletes hardest,,, because they are having heart attacks during their events and while under physical stress…
My understanding is that the GO over time is eliminated from the body through the normal elimination processes, and this IMO is the reason the boosters are necessary to keep the GO levels up until the decision is made to turn up the 5G to a frequency that is fatal to those with high enough GO levels.
So if I found myself in similar circumstances I would first get the Ivermectin and take it…and I would also try to avoid locations where 5G EMF is in use…. All FWIW Bro, but DYODD and my best Silverngold wishes!