Think about that some more. The gov’t has not been paying down the debt since 1969. You forgot, its a Ponzi scheme. They may pay the principal and interest to sellers cashing out of bonds with the new money coming into bonds, and or just print more fake money.
The primary bottom line problem is the lack of prosperity or the spending power of too many people and small businesses. The rich get richer and have everything they need so don’t spend it anymore. Just invest it. And too many small businesses barely getting by, can’t pay much, so both employer and employee not paying any taxes to speak of. Also the poor got poorer, so they can’t spend much. Section 8 and food stamps.
As long as they keep getting away with giving away fake money so people and businesses can pay bills, GAME will keep going like it has been. I know somebody that has two movie theaters. I remember the first gift was $100,000 to keep him afloat. He had to get more later too.