This is a book about globalization . There are different definitions of it. Any-way globalization is a dynamic process driven by technological changes and carried out through well-identified International channels: free trade, liberalized capital flows and movements of people. Globalization is divided into three phases: the first going from 1870 to 1913,
the second from 1945 to 1991 and the third from 1992 up to today. The identification and analysis of the phases are carried out in an original way with the help of the phases of the International Monetary System: Gold Standard, Bretton Woods, After Bretton Woods. This kind of coupling leads us to wonder if we are entering the fourth phase of globalization.
This kind of coupling (or copulating) leads us to wonder if we are entering the fourth phase of globalization.
Comment: The 4th phase? We are watching the end of globalization. Too many countries got hurt by it, and the open borders and lack of brains allowed pissed off people to attack the global world trade center and THAT was the beginning of the end.
Did you guys hear about a shipping container delivery went like $1,600 to $16,000? Ya know? It supposed to be expensive to ship heavy things long distances. What else is way too cheap? Airline tickets. Practically everything we imported was too cheap. So we can figure big changes and reality coming.