I hope they can impeach the SOB and the citizens sue the government for violating their democratic rights as the EU put it,
I hope the citizen rally behind that woman they arrested with no bail and get anonymous funding for her that sob can’t touch as she risked everything for them and her country.
This would be a good time to pressure them on the left to get her out if there if she’s still there and go public which they hate.
I hope there aware who’s linked to Schwab or Soros and Gates on promise of funding their elections and media and get them out.
Although what the EU is doing to ordinary Russian citizens because of Putin it appears a bit hypocritical.
Anyone could do the same. Schwab or Soros didn’t come from Canada or America. They cage from Europe and why the Framers said keep outer country’s out of ours and don’t get involved in their wars. Meanwhile our own bordered are being breached by what they call a unarmed invasion and if they fight for their homeland their attacked by the left who infiltrated our government too.
It will he never ending as we see from WW1-11 Vietnam and beyond . Whether you destroy peoples homes and lively hoods by bomb or puppet politicians it’s just as devastating,
So the EU speaking out was a good start.