Geez, almost everything we buy today costs 20 times more than 1975. That 45 years of inflation. Unfortunately for their mismanaged man made financial system, low end entry wages, are only up maybe 10 times more. And if the system is trying to right itself, all the under priced things will or should go up.
Like oil, delivery costs and airline tickets, and cheap imports. So its not necessarily inflation, if something goes up. It was just too under priced. Its like a land lord not raising the rents for ten years, he sells the units, and the new landlord doubles the rents. Thats not inflation. US Materials and Labor have been too cheap for too long. Plus I heard shipping a container went from $1600 to $16000?
Is it really borrowed and spent money causing the higher prices? So in a major correction, if it’s under priced it goes up, if its over priced it goes down. Now lets thing about whats over priced? I hear a lot of people are dumping all their cash on real estate for inflation hedges, like they did with silver and gold in the 1970s.