OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Armstrong found this.

Posted by goldielocks @ 23:12 on March 12, 2022  

American Heart Association:
“We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.

American Heart Association Warns About Vaccines


Posted by goldielocks @ 22:57 on March 12, 2022  

Yeah alkaline in this case, there is yin and yang. If it’s positive the culprits you neutralize with negative and vise versa. Thats one of my friends, us so called anti vaxxers talking. Since her name was exposed to one post I deleted it. I wasn’t sure if people were interested in the chemistry side so deleted that too. It helps neutralize the positive charges Covid antigens particularly for those with more serious symptoms.
I’m better at preaching than practicing, go figure. I lost a good doctor when young that way. He was good at treating everyone but himself. 🙁 I should at least take the baby asprin after that likely TIA last year.

Goldielocks, yes, all good info regarding keeping the system alkaline and the proper vitamins etc to take.

Posted by silverngold @ 22:31 on March 12, 2022  

There are several vitamin protocols given to eliminate toxins, boost the immune system, and balance the PH. I personally take Coercetin, NAC, C, D, A,  B100, Boron, and a 81 mg baby aspirin daily along with a little apple cider vinegar …. and I have not been sick for years. ;o)


Posted by goldielocks @ 22:20 on March 12, 2022  

You may have to go to the Flccc site or look up Dr Patterson for long Covid. The vaxxed and long Covid can have similar problems. Or Google dr Patterson Long or long haulers Covid. It’s something you can’t just answer without doing a physical and blood work fir symptoms of clots and in this case a plethora of other things. What is known to happen is the spike proteins causing havoc and clots. Just learn the symptoms.
One young man a athlete and competition bike rider said the Ivermectin helps but only as long as your taking it. He was literally going into heart failure with it but the ER doctor was fake news informed the vaxx that’s not a vaxx causes no harm. He went to another hospital and was treated before it caused permanent damage from myocarditis. The other hospital is being sued now. They didn’t even bother to test him and ignored his symptoms and told him it was all in his head.
I think Dr Patterson can find ways to get rid of it.


Posted by goldielocks @ 22:04 on March 12, 2022  

Have to try again I have too many saved.


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:58 on March 12, 2022  

When thinking about adding more Ivermectin last summer after buying the previous year during winter 2020 I ran into comments like this. I found it after trying to delete some of my thousands of pictures. I should of copied the one that ranted about the prices going up and someone responded saying BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE EATING IT!!! lol lol
If doctors would of ordered it but they didn’t. In fact they were bragging that the DOCTORS in this facility don’t use it.
Too bad the doctors that did, didn’t ask them what their track reached was in saving the patients or preventing them from going to the hospital in the first place and the complications it caused some of not pre treated. Or say yeah they use expensive Remdesivir that doesn’t work, had bad side effects and given too late.

i saw them do it !!!

Posted by treefrog @ 21:02 on March 12, 2022  

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eeos @ 19:03… Regardless Bro, IMO it’s good info that needs repeated and exposed…Thanks!

Posted by silverngold @ 20:38 on March 12, 2022  

On your Winedoc question, I’ll look forward to his answer….but I think you just posted many experts opinions and answers.

My personal opinion is that these jabs contain, among other things, two additional  things of concern. One is parasites, and the other is Graphene Oxide. Regarding the parasites, this is IMO why Ivermectin has worked so effectively for those who received the jabs. Ivermectin is primarily an ant-parasitic which has been given to billions of people/mammals for years without any adverse effects. Just do a search in the search box on the right and you will get lots of verification on dosage etc. for whatever form of Ivermectin you get.

Regarding Graphene Oxide (GO), this IMO is what is causing the blood clots etc. in those who have received the jabs, and why it has hit young athletes hardest,,, because they are having heart attacks during their events and while under physical stress…

My understanding is that the GO over time is eliminated from the body through the normal elimination processes, and this IMO is the reason the boosters are necessary to keep the GO levels up until the decision is made to turn up the 5G to a frequency that is fatal to those with high enough GO levels.

So if I found myself in similar circumstances I would first get the Ivermectin and take it…and I would also try to avoid locations where 5G EMF is in use…. All FWIW Bro, but DYODD and my best Silverngold wishes!

this one too, probably you posted this already Silverngold but seems interesting

Posted by eeos @ 19:03 on March 12, 2022  

Isolating the virus

I got the shots so I might be screwed. Does Isolation matter Wine Doc?


Posted by silverngold @ 18:12 on March 12, 2022  

You will find this very interesting. Corbett puts it together so it’s easy to see all the pieces. FWIW!

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:51 on March 12, 2022  


Posted by goldielocks @ 12:01 on March 12, 2022  

PS This is it hopefully and doesn’t go nuclear or even better stays financial and we get out the popcorn.
The thing is I’m not putting a price on gold or silver just sticking to the events. People get stuck on some price objective someone put out there could get hurt.


Posted by goldielocks @ 11:54 on March 12, 2022  

One of these days I’ll try options. The only thing I shorted was the S&P via those ETFs but was careful to look for a reverse split which they like to pull before a move. That and short oil got the timing perfect in 08 a day or two before the crash but it delisted. They’re ETF fake news wears a crooked halo.
Sometimes the dollar likes to come home in times of trouble. After the tsunami I’m Japan I checked the dollar and knew if was gonna go parabolic but couldn’t trade it under the circumstances. Same with Monderna knew it was gonna fly and was gonna treat people like head of cattle. In fact Australia called it herding or corralling the sheep in to be vaxxed or something.

I guess you can’t have a conscious but wouldn’t mind shorting them to H,but they probably sold and still mad about their green energy stocks.

You should listen to that audio Maddog posted when you have the time. Some things I wasn’t sure what he was talking about but with Russia and China working on their own “ gold back” digital currency that other country’s will buy into amongst other clues and the condition of our three tier system here it’s going get interesting.

I know this was in the works and now both Europe and US is just speeding things up and playing right into their hands as other countries see what they’re doing to Russia they could do to them.
People have lost their confidence with this administration. Even though Japan is in NATO they’re talking about arming themselves for protection. They have Korea on one side China on the other and Mr. If only I had a brain” for President in the US.

I just hope it’s only for trade like swift because the last thing anyone needs is the elimination of cash and if this current freezing accounts don’t wake the masses up of what a bad idea that is nothing will.
But there working on eliminating the three dollar system. He obliterates Klaus Scwabs great reset lol

Armstrong mentioned something about it to saying if they did go gold back it should stay in the country and not be fixed in price. Good idea or it would be depleted. This podcast Andy said it will probably won’t be redeemable but you’d have to hear what he’s talking about.

Goldie – “If this isn’t it coming up I fear to know what is.”

Posted by Buygold @ 10:53 on March 12, 2022  

Have to agree with you there, the last option I guess is Nuclear war, and I’m not sure how much value anything will have in that case.

One thing I didn’t anticipate is the strength of the USD. I have to believe that this Russia/China thing will have an impact on the dollar at some point.

I like a few candidates to short, Airbnb and Facebook. Missed a lot of the facebook move already but it still looks like it’s going down even more even though it’s down 40% from the highs. I actually shorted ABNB yesterday at $155 premarket and covered to soon at $152 and then it proceeded to go down another 7 bucks. Still looks like a good short down into the 130’s

Here come the fake money clowns

Posted by eeos @ 9:58 on March 12, 2022  


Hi Buygold

Posted by goldielocks @ 9:57 on March 12, 2022  

Haven’t captured the ship of gold just yet, but I can see it on the horizon… ?
Now THATS funny, but so true at the same time.
If this isn’t it coming up I fear to know what is.
I just got done listening to Andy on that podcast by Maddog. Wow he put the pieces together. It changed my whole perspective on trading. Now I’m going to try to make sure my targets or even temp targets aren’t too close together. It would be my luck if I sold and then it happened and the stocks went parabolic. ?‍?
I saw the Nasdaq working on a death cross a little while back but did occur to me to short it. Good move.

Treefrog- sometimes I call it Fakebook

Posted by eeos @ 9:50 on March 12, 2022  

Have you noticed Markie’s pet has been getting crushed for weeks? This could have larger implications than most people might imagine, maybe the whole tech bubble is unstable? Lot’s of stock value going up in smoke. The Meta rebranding and everything else after it has been bad news for the stock.

This weekly chart goes back to about 2017.If I had a gold stock that looked like this I’d know it’s over, but this puppy has a big bounce coming looking at the RSI IMHO. Honestly, I’m deeply indebted to FB, I learned a ton about the software I use in a public forum, it’s been an invaluable resource of information 24 hrs a day. If I have a problem, I have people around the globe using it and can answer many questions in real-time for free. A huge help.


Posted by Mr.Copper @ 9:26 on March 12, 2022  

 A government which exercises de facto administrative control over a country and is not subordinate to any other government in that country or a foreign sovereign state.


Are there really any sovereign nations left on the planet after Globalization? To me the USA seems subordinate Europe.

Morning Goldie

Posted by Buygold @ 8:32 on March 12, 2022  

Haven’t captured the ship of gold just yet, but I can see it on the horizon… 🙂

I just think that finally we may have a chance at “winning” as Trump would say.

Shorting is dangerous but seems we’re in a time of violent bear rallies that last a day or two and must be shorted. This week was a perfect example. We got a monster rally in the Nasdaq on Wednesday, only to give it all back up – and then some, Thursday and Friday. I wouldn’t mess with the DOW, only the Nasdaq.

“The irony of that is it came from the basement dwellers of woke on Twitter. They already own nothing and I guess their happy.”

Now that’s funny!

Treefrog 22:59

Posted by goldielocks @ 8:21 on March 12, 2022  

The irony of that is it came from the basement dwellers of woke on Twitter. They already own nothing and I guess their happy.

Maddog @ 14:16 on March 11, 2022 Russians

Posted by Ororeef @ 7:41 on March 12, 2022  

I did business with Russian Jews for 30 years  ,they were hard  bargainers,but when an agreement was reached ,a verbal agreement was enough .they always lived up to the terms and so did we.This was in the NYC Garment district .

They said to us”you guys do nice work”we said to them send us a check  ,we did and they did.

I suspect NATO  did not live up to its agreement and some fool decided to bully the Russians politically trying to out minoevour them ,forgetting they are great Chess players .Dont mess with the Russians ..live up to your agreements ! They will live up to theirs .That was my experience with them.

Armstrong video

Posted by goldielocks @ 7:29 on March 12, 2022  

Yes go will go up and other tangibles.

I like listening to his common sense and experience but sometimes I don’t agree.
He mentions People like Harris naturally talking about joining NATO with nulls their agreement. So are they that stupid or trying to start a war? Hard to say in that case. She and the woke are so use to getting away with saying anything and media covering for their ask maybe they forgot their not in Kansas anymore. Although that’s not fair to Dorothy.
But they didn’t join Nato.
Ukraine gives up their weapons and neither will attack each other and Ukraine will have its sovereignty. They should of never agreed to that unless everyone did. I think Europe was more worried about that for themselves than was Russia and will not protect their sovereignty. They had to know sanctions aren’t enough and can go two ways.

That talk about joining NATO appeared to justify attacking Ukraine. Since they didn’t join nato and don’t think Nato would of approved anyways knowing it would drag them in war with two sides at each other throats they didn’t violate the agreement.
Putin could if just stated if they attempt to join nato the peace treaty was off, but he jumped the gun and attacked.
Also I don’t remember him mentioning that if he did , but he did mention Donbass and was liberating the people.
So effectively Putin broke the agreement and attacked.
I won’t say it wasn’t provoked IF Zelensky was openly saying wanting to join Nato which would be saying he openly wanted to end the treaty.
He knew he would be breaking the agreement if he did.
He did know if he were attacked Nato couldn’t get involved but he keeps asking.
NATO knew things were heating up and provided defense.
He knows he’s putting the citizens in danger of being slaughtered without proper defense and deflects by calling on NATO for help knowing it would drag them in the war then likely China and start WW111. I don’t think the average citizen there realizes the consequences which would leave them no where to go. If they do under the circumstances I don’t blame them.

If the people of Donbass or Crimea wanted to succeed why didn’t the leaders act like adults and speak out or why didn’t Putin or Zelensky ask for a VOTE by the people.
Also they apparently are rich in natural gas and other commodities so is that a motivation by both sides?
So in this case I agree it’s not just Putin but differ in that it’s not one or the other but both of them not doing more to prevent blood shed and collapsing economy’s and Putin is committing war crimes with it and the citizens on both sides are the ones who are paying the price. It does seem it is orchestrated. Klaus Schwab again.
He talks about much more than that though the average person wouldn’t know like Chinas making its own Swift system.

New Interview: Russia, Ukraine, Sanctions, Food Shortages, WWIII, Great Reset, Economic Collapse


Posted by Ororeef @ 0:29 on March 12, 2022  

there are many SEASONAL LOWS made in MARCH   especially in GOLDS ..April starts up ….

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 0:26 on March 12, 2022  

Boone’s farm?


The actual a Good Matrimony?

Posted by alf @ 0:00 on March 12, 2022  

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.