Most of the time, they get what they want, and the USA gets the shaft. I think even Trump was complaining about that. There was a time when it was very important to DROP the US Dollar. From 2001 9/11, the USD was at 120, they dropped it after that date down to 72 in 2008.
They gave us the 9/11 stimulation until it busted in the summer of 2008.
USD 120 to 72: Postscript Document (
1.5 year view climbing Dollar for Europe et al benefit:
Ten year bond yield down a little, 2.77% today from 2.92 3-4 days ago.
Parts of the energy sector look good, ARCH+20%, CENX+9%, BTU ARLP etc, Steel sector doesn’t look bad. But geez its hard to trust any trends these days.
Anybody have a no brainer idea?? Pass it on.
PS when the manipulators dropped the USD to 72 in 2008, it rammed or inverted Oil up to $145/bbl with zero extra demand. Just a stupid adjustable unit of account. The high priced Oil caused over production of, and curtailed use of supply, and down the price went to $35/bbl in a few months. Geez, people are trying to do business, or deal with their daily lives, and we have these idiotic influences zigging and zagging everything.