Well, their fear and ability to raise taxes has to be waning, because they have simply been creating fake money out of this air and using it to keep people and businesses whole. Is Russia and China Japan Europe India et al doing the same thing??
I don’t know for sure but assume yes, the western bankers probably wanted other “members” to get in on it, and probably spread the increase fake money supply game method all over the planet. This way they ALL get in trouble at the same time.
However, if Russia and China are up to date on bills, with good taxing ability, then their currencies would out class the Dollar. The NWO global economy that started 1913, with good intentions, has evolved into a huge cargo ship of accumulated future problems that hit an iceberg on 9/11/01 by people that obviously negatively affected by Globalization. Note, they attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Note: I am spreading disinformation for entertainment.