They also swallowed our manufacturing base. So the country as a whole has less money. Money and freedom go together. Less money, less freedom. We need money to have freedom.
On the positive side, the globally focused Democrats and liberals have been the dominant force for decades, especially more so after 1965-1970 era. So after 50 plus years of getting their way?
With thousands of anti American ridiculous agendas, that went so far, millions of Americans have already started “noticing” something is very wrong, and elected Trump and later attacked the Whitehouse, which was a very big political message to “whoever” have been running things.
Their accumulation of errors has caught up with them, in 2008, they are failing and losing control since 9/11, you can see it in long term commodity charts, so after the country goes thru this transition, the future looks good.
Even a cave man can see the obvious loss of control chart after 9/11: