Stocks Bonds and Real estate. They have been a growing overpriced situation for a long time, and rolling year to date over. But PMs are not overpriced. Last May we were real high. We all should have cashed out in May and go away. So maybe this May its time to start adding in May and go away. Gold mining stocks are crazy low these days.
Trump gave the Everything bubble a nice boost starting in 2016. Then the Covid crash forced the Fed to stimulate in 2020, and gave the Everything bubble another shot in the arm to new highs in Jan 1st. So its a four month correction so far, for the indices. I see AMZN down to $2200 from $3700 FB $380 to $200.
Is this mess going to evolve into another 1929??? That leads to another 1934, and another 1937? Sooner or later their artificial life support machine will get unplugged or simply break.