re parts:
Part: “Klaus Schwab’s Agenda 2030 and to accomplish this, they need to cancel all paper money and move digitally. These governments are not stupid.”
Comment: Get rid of paper money? That’s totally impossible, people need cash at auctions, garage sales, used car buying etc. And the Governments ARE stupid, very stupid.
Part: “Only spot trading will exist in London and that will be further restricted to the trade – not retail investors.”
Comment: Thats good. Retail investors (price voters who never make or take delivery) have no business getting involved in a commodity price.
Part: “Since Cryptos are on the grid, they can easily seize them and in combination with terminating paper money, outlawing gold and silver futures in Europe will allow the New World Order to take hold.”
Comment: Huh?? The New World Order took hold a very very long time ago. And everything got so DISTORTED, their entire system is in FAILURE mode instead. They are losing control since 9/11/01. This Klause guy is in a fog. But lets face it. Nobody enjoys or wants to pay for optimistic and happy news like TPTB are SCREWED and are on the rocks. I’m happy watching them have trouble that they deserve.