I learned that while making things in factories. Ships are a plus for pleasure and shipping cargo. Gold is plus for jewelry, some industry, and savings. Energy and Oil is a triple plus very important, we need them for everything. Those are the pluses.
So we have to live with the minuses like alleged pollution. I never see any around me. So I don’t get concerned about it. Are you? Is pollution affecting your life? The Ocean cleans itself. Some stuff sinks to the bottom. Some washes up on the beach. Where it can be picked up. The so called island of floating plastic in the middle of the ocean, is the mud room. Who cares?
A friend of mine spent half his like in the sky in a 747 cargo plane. He says the biggest problem are volcanoes. In that ring of fire area. They are constantly polluting.
The world is changing, in reverse. First news it was vitamins and supplements not really needed. Now todays paper study, less treatments needed for cancer. There are many others to come. Probably unneeded prescription pills for blood pressure and cholesterol. I’ll be watching. Observing. The world is changing for the better. Parts of the system are losing the ability to “get away with” unnecessary costly things.
I think eventually the system can’t afford trying to save the planet. Costly artificially supported EPA jobs. A shake out of wasted money and labor. Many artificially supported products and corporations will be gone. The system will probably go back to a 40 hour work week or 4 day work week, and one highly paid spouse working.