But recently I used the words Normal and Abnormal. And funny coincidence, re some elections recently, a guy on TV says the Normal people are winning. I guess the outside global abnormal powers are getting their last licks in with obedient puppy Joe Biden.
I started questioning things when JFK the first “Trump” was assassinated. He dropped income taxes, and was going to abolish the Fed and go back to United States Notes versus Fed Res Notes. The prior administration started the Cuba thing and dumped that on the poor guy.
Then again the Gun Control Act of 1968. Huh? Something is seriously going wrong. After 1975 I knew the USA was being harvested by foreigners. Did some reading and found out about Joe McCarthy in the 1950s.
He may have been the first “Trump” before JFK. He warned everyone we were being infiltrated by communists and the Media made him look bad. And the commies won. Its that simple in my mind. Imo, are watching the collapse of a global communism and or fascism system. Fascism I think allows us to own businesses, but they tell us how to run them.
The final collapse Bottom is not 50 60 years away anymore from 1970. Its getting close.