I know but I think it’s too late now. Look at the kind of administration we have and Soros and Schwabs fingerprints are all over it. Anyone who wants vacations better hurry up. I guess I’m not going to get to see the churches and other magnificent buildings in Italy or Greece.
Hate to say it but since so many have been brainwashed in Europe they might as well just let them in like they’ve been doing and ruining their country and culture just don’t call us if there not willing fight and die don’t think that’s our job.
Did you see that G7 or whatever meeting. They were telling each other to look tough in front of the camera. A bunch of bought and paid for whimp’s who can’t even be tough enough to look after their own country while their getting walked all over including their borders trying to look tough.
I got this message what’s going on in Calif. Let them eat cake.
So Gavin had wanted to give registered car owners between $600-$800 in his proposal + suspend the gas tax starting 7-1 & giving $200 for public transportation to people without cars. But the dems said No. Let’s give $200 to everyone. So their middle ground was $350 + $350 dependents
@ ipso facto re the US dollar is going to be, and HAS been, in long term decline against re Purchasing Power for US Workforce
The dollars seem to have a lot of purchasing power in other countries, where some people retire and live very good on their saving or pension. I always called it the Traitor Dollar, because its never good for us, its always good the the other countries. It makes us get BIG discounts on foreign made crap. And it put BIG tariffs on our exports. “We” ain’t the bully, “they” are. Whoever they are. Global Banking?
By looking at Gold constantly in the $1800 area, it makes me think some kind of agreement was made behind closed doors to fix or back the Dollar to Gold at $1800 per ounce and allowed to float slightly to look “natural” like they did with the Chinese Yuan, fixed or pegged to the Dollar.
Its always around 7 Yuan to the Dollar and allowed to float only slightly for appearance sake. I calculated once and to be fair, the peg should be 2 Yuan to the US dollar to make China imports cost more and we make our own cheaper. More jobs here less jobs over there.
Basically (in my opinion only) the Dollar and Yuan are connected at the hip. They both go up or down together. Its like the USA is part of China. And “We” had nothing to do with the crap that been going on. But its time to be happy because re lots of questionable things “They Can’t Get Away With” anymore.
Like you posted no more non citizens allowed to vote. Also todays paper “High Court: Coach can pray on field after games” Also again, Businesses ” Can’t Get Away With” cheap wages anymore. My friends daughter is a nurse and he told me she made like $10,000 in a week re all kinds of perks. Also heard they are paying Pilots half again more to show up.
Don’t glue your hands to the pavement!
Don't glue your hands to the pavement. pic.twitter.com/e3ixLgUlCZ
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) June 27, 2022
goldielocks @ 12:05
Time for us to take a step back on the world stage. This would be beneficial for our citizens as well. We don’t need to instigate more wars.
PS The Hell with demons Soros and Schwab!
Mr.Copper @ 11:26 re: BRICS
I think the dollar is going to be in long term decline. We’ve been a bully with the power of it and other countries are now finding ways not to use it.
“The US should join BRICS.” LOL
Ipso 9:48
The Schwabs and Soros gearing us up to throw us in another war and blood shed of innocent people complements of Europe. Again Just like WW11 country’s aligning.
Both Iran and Argentina have oil and one metals.
This time as far as Soros it might be hard to fake he’s one of them this time and he’s not one of us either. Maybe he will, he can show how hard he’s been trying to screw things up for us both sovereignty and our constitutional laws and economically but then they know he’s all behind destroying Russia’s and China’s too. Maybe the Mexican traffickers can hide him out. He’s done them a lot of favors.
@ ipso facto re 9:48 Iran, and Argentina, Joining BRICS? I Think USA Should Join LOL
The Globalization situation gets funnier every day as it sinks to the bottom. Countries forming separate groups to self survive.
“What do the BRIC countries have in common? They are experiencing significant levels of economic growth. They participate together in a trading bloc.”
And the nightmare continues
I guess taking us back to the point of the breakout for the shares just isn’t enough
Sanity intrudes
NY Supreme Court Tosses Law Allowing Noncitizens To Vote
The New York Supreme Court on Monday struck down a NYC law allowing noncitizens to vote, handing a victory to the Republican National Committee (RNC) which filed a lawsuit against the law in January.
Kinross provides update on Great Bear project and U.S. projects
Galane Gold Ltd. Announces an Update of the 2014 Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Summit Mine and Banner Mill
Puma Exploration Completes Its Winter Drilling Program and Outlines Its Summer Field Exploration Program at Williams Brook
Banyan Gold Announces Purchase of Underlying Aurmac Royalty and Establishment of Yukon Scholarship
Probe Metals Continues to Expand Gold Zones at Monique Trend, Val-d’Or East Project
Troilus Reports 94% Copper Recovery and 88.3% Gold Recovery From the Southwest Zone Pilot Plant Test Program
Endurance Reports 3.89 GPT Gold over 30.48 m, 8.57 GPT Gold over 10.66 m and 6.11 GPT Gold over 18.29 m From the Reliance 2022 RC Program
All Holes Drilled to Date Hit Broad Sulphide Mineralization Up to 135 Meters Wide* at Goliath’s Golddigger Property, Golden Triangle, B.C.
Drilling Underway on Eagle Plains’ Iron Range Gold/Sedex Project, Southeastern B.C.
Exploration and Drill Update for the Savant Gold Project, Ontario
Stellar Africagold Completes Access Road and Drill Platforms AT Zone B Tichka Est Gold Project, Morocco
Big Ridge Announces Additional Results from Hope Brook Phase I Drill Program
Golden Pursuit Completes Rock Sampling and Geophysical Surveys at South Gordon Lake Gold Project, NWT
Newcore Gold Announces C$5 Million Bought Deal Financing
Transition Metals Options the Pike-Warden, High Grade Au-Ag-Cu Property, Yukon
Osisko Development Announces Tintic Project update
South Atlantic Gold Announces New Continuous Anomaly from Consolidated Geophysics Drone Survey
Peter. Schiff
Because #Bitcoin whales succeeded in pumping Bitcoin close to $70K, it’s much easier for them to unload more worthless Bitcoin at $20K, as those suckers who are buying think they’re getting a bargain. These “bargain” hunters averaging down will eventually be known as bag holders.
Investors are making an even bigger mistake in thinking the #Fed will succeed in bringing #inflation back down to 2% than they did in thinking inflation was transitory. They are also mistaken in assuming that any potential #recession will be mild or that it will cure inflation.
Busts are usually proportionate to the artificial booms that precede them. We had a financial crisis in 2008 and Great #Recession because the boom the #Fed created with 1% interest rates for about two years was so large. Imagine what follows 0% interest rates for nearly 14 years!
GLOOMISH-DOOMISH=The majority of investors are totally paralysed. They are all hoping for the rapid April-2020-style recovery=Sadly no one will understand that it is really different this time and that most asset classes will fall by 90%
Epic super bubbles can only end badly. But no investor has the experience of such a massive implosion of bubbles because it has never happened before in history.
I have discussed the consequences in many articles, and they will be devastating.
Sadly Cassandras are never taken seriously until it is too late. This time will be no different.
And don’t believe there is anyone there to help. The Fed, which has reacted at least 10 years too late in tightening, will not save investors. Instead, they will offer more pain in the form of higher rates and more tightening.
Yes, of course the Fed will react at some point and in panic lower rates and inject fake money into the system. But that will be much too late. Also, no amount of fake money can save a system which is morally and financially bankrupt.
A morally and financially bankrupt western world has created this coming calamity, and we will now have to suffer the consequences.
Sadly, this this is the only way that it can end. A rotten and debt infested system can only end in a calamity.
Debts will implode and assets will implode. Society will not function nor will social security, pensions etc. This will create human suffering of a magnitude, which will be devastating for everyone.
Global population will also come down dramatically. In the mid 1800s there were 1 billion people on earth with very slow growth for the previous thousands of years. Then population exploded over the next 170 years to 8 billion. A chart that look like a spike up normally always corrects up to 50% down. The reasons for a reduction of world population are obvious: Economic collapse, misery, famine, disease and wars.
Morning ororeef
I sure hope you’re right about the dollar, it’s been a headwind.
I noticed the Ruble is up another half %, shouldn’t it be down considering all the might of the G-7 coming down on Putin?….lol 😂
G & S slowly moving up.
And some people will buy the dip then sell into it then maybe go short.
The 2022 Market Disaster—More Pain to Come=
Trying to combat inflation with rate hikes is not only a joke, it creates a market disaster when a nation’s debt to GDP is at 120%
Matthew Piepenburg
June 27, 2022
Toward this end, Wall Street is seeing a dangerous rise in what the fancy lads call “omit days,” which basically means days wherein inter-dealer liquidity for UST’s is simply not available.Such omit days are screaming signs of “uh-oh” which go un-noticed by 99.99% of the consensus-think financial advisors selling traditional stocks and bonds for a fee.
As the repo warnings (as well as our written warnings) have made clear since September of 2019, when liquidity in the credit markets tightens, the entire risk asset bubble (stocks, bonds and property) starts to cough, wheeze and then choke to death.
If you think the current market disaster hurts; it’s gonna get worse despite recent dead cat bounces in U.S. equities.
Many, of course, will buy this dip, as many forget the data, facts and traps of dead-cat bounces.
Toward this end, it’s worth reminding that 12 of the top 20 one-day rallies in the NASDAQ occurred after that market began a nearly 80% plunge between 2000 and 2003.
Similarly, the S&P saw 9 of its top 20 one-day rallies following the 1929 crash in which that market lost 86% from its highs.
They probably won’t live very long anyways. They’re killing them with kindness so to speak. They’re not helping them get off it they’re resolved to let them die. They should at least offer help to those who want help.
A average of 100,000 are dying a year and guessing the homeless are the highest numbers of these overdoses.
The problem that comes with it besides that is they draw in the non drug taking homeless by circumstance and mentally ill.
Even worse they draw kids to them who want to try something and don’t know how to get it so go to them to get it. Most the homeless are more experienced with the drugs and are given free Narcan, These kids aren’t experienced and don’t have narcan.
Plus Mexico has pill printing machines that press Fentanyl to look like other pills. The kid takes it thinking he’s getting a prescription opiate at a party or whatever but instead a lethal dose of fentanyl.
So basically the Government is just killing them off and taking kids and others in unfortunate circumstances with them.
In Denver
Homeless camps come with free bathrooms, free tent, free food, internet, electricity, and heat. Why would people want to leave. Denver spends some ungodly amount, it seems that it’s over $100,000 per piece of shit homeless person. We have the 3rd largest homeless population in the USA I heard. People won’t do anything when you give them free shit. Needles everywhere, trash everywhere, tons of stolen property. So I want to make it against the law to be homeless. That doesn’t sound very nice but I heard Tenessee makes it illegal to panhandle etc. Get the F out!
I’m going more divis
For awhile not worry about what feds doing. One stock pays for itself not a gs stock and go take a vacation.
Hippy communes
Now there called homeless camps but instead of pot use hard drugs and little peace plus they get more than food stamps but free money they use on drugs now and don’t grow their own anything.
Difference was housing was affordable in the 60-70s and a life style choice. Most broke up because of the drugs, infighting and partiers. The North mid western , easterners came to California because of the weather. Hard to sleep in a tent or make shift house with no electric or heat in the snow.