Airline tickets are still artificially cheap (for what you get) even after they went higher or doubled. I dare the gov’t to put airline tickets on the futures market. If you own a business, and demand is way too high, the business HAS to raise prices to KILL some of that demand, and STILL make the same profit.
Get rid of the squirrels, and serve the people that have more money. Same with houses or oil. Goes to the highest bidder with the most important need. “The function of price is for the allocation of scarce resources”. Or services in this case.
The proof of price controls (or manipulation) is in our faces with Airline Welfare. Demand is thru the roof and they keep selling too many cheap seats. If I owned an airline I’d raise the prices real high, and catch the customers that can’t afford to be delayed or cancelled.
There are plenty of people out there with stupid money and don’t really care what ANYTHING costs. My Airline would make big profits and the Media would call me a price gouger?