I don’t know, but yeah the left is looking for voting replacements and corrupt businesses are looking for cheap labor where they get the bulk of what the producers produce and normalize globalization where one group can just replace another when they need raises or better working conditions. This has led them on a down spiral.
Also with race, attacking the identity of children who are imprinting and impressionable by people who think everyone’s gay and how they act behind their parents back because they know they know who they are and now predatory not just in children but women’s sports and other divisive games they are keying up a situation the globalist want. They want a generation that are no longer patriotic and bonded with common values and don’t think or made to believe their country and our constitution are worth fighting for and keeping. Others get it and realize it’s not their country but someone’s agenda and not in their best interest for themselves or their country.
Didn’t Obama and the left change things so new citizens no longer have to take a oath to take arms against our enemies?
Drb 10:37
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