Re 1929 some people around me had tons of money in the regular popular stocks and are hurting real bad, -50% and more. We all go way back, and are used to that. The others are in total shock. They thought they were invested in high quality stuff.
I’m very suspicious about things. Their media can jawbone a recession and make it happen. They can also jawbone inflation, if that’s what they want. I was looking at their CPI numbers this morning, and they look very exaggerated to me. When I loaded $125 worth of groceries into my 1989 G 20 Van those 4 bags were very heavy, and I considered all that food reasonably priced. So many things were Buy 1 get 1 free.
We all go back far enough to remember how they consistently understated CPI numbers. It was running 7.5% and they kept calling it 2%. So employers only gave 2% raises. Social Security and minimum wage also got tiny 2% every few years. That shit went on for 20 years at least.
So, like I said from the start, when all the inflation talk was gaining momentum, if you remember, I said “lets not be surprised to see this mess turn into deflation.” Falling house prices and falling real estate prices will create a poverty effect.
The Idiots running things The Media, the Fed Bankers and the White house are doing a rain dance. Plain and simple. And buying Gold on low times works good. Since 2008, physical Gold actually outpaced the miners.
If gold goes down to $1500 it would be another chance to buy low. Maybe even cash out the miners on lows and switch over.