Why else did the big business “invisible” gov’t after 1970 promote all those tuna fish can, unsafe imported gas saver cars?? Why else would they practically outlaw Muscle Cars with big V8 engines? If they had their way we would all be on motor scooters like in other countries.
Why else would they create the EPA in 1970 and tell everybody we need to stop burning Oil? And build windmills and solar for electric. Oil is very important for big business and population growth prosperity. So they don’t want us “little people” using oil in our cars and houses.
But “blowing Oil away” on cheap ticket four engine jet airliners liners for the greater good is ok to make tourists spread money around the world and provide cheap cargo of imported consumer products.
The idiots that have been running things are losing the ability to hold down Oil prices and other important commodities. The whole artificial man made economic system has to scrapped and reengineered. Or it will die of natural causes, like a total currency collapse, then rotated over or reset at 2:00 AM on a Sunday morning, some day. Lots of my ideas eventually happen.
Check out what happened to controlled $20/bbl oil prices after 9/11/01. Why is info this not shown on TV financial media? And only here on gold tent oasis? I’m sure they know what I know. There is a site peak oil dot com to look at.
Think about what this graph is saying and talk about it.