OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Bo Polny….THE KILL SHOT! Starts a little slow but sees the same thing Egon Von Grayerz sees and I also see. FWIW!

Posted by silverngold @ 23:41 on August 31, 2022  

Better buckle up now and be in the real things PDQ….and that is silver and gold! Not paper silver and gold, the real thing!

If you only have three minutes , start at 12 minutes in this interview with Andy Schectman of Miles-Franklin

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 21:22 on August 31, 2022  

Remember the big Nickle issue at LBMA a couple of months ago ?
Well , since then PM’s in huge quantities are moving into vaults instead of promissary notes !
Trust is gone.

Our day is approaching .


The million dollar question

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:01 on August 31, 2022  

Been getting information on the 87 thousand IRS workers under the inflation reduction plan.
Inflation reduction= tax collectors?
That this is said will not occur all at once but within 10 years. That 50 thousand IRS are going to retire within the next 10 years That leaves about 37k extra tax collectors within 10 years. We know that about 50 percent of the people they audit make less than 75 thousand. So out of the extra 37 thousand we can guess about 50 percent will not be auditing those over 400K but less.

The current government knows its spending more than its taking in.
We know there’re raising interest rates to combat the inflation they caused on Government expenses, spending and printing over budget. We know they can’t pay even the interest on the debt with raising interest rates.
It’s not like the 1980s interest rate hikes when we were more financially sound.
We also know we can’t depend on them to stop printing.

So it is what it is. They plan on not just going after those over 400K who didn’t pay or pay enough taxes, but small businesses , average citizen making under 75K, raising taxes and attempting to eliminate loopholes of both small businesses and big corporations like Amazon to raise money to pay off their debts. Inflation reduction by taxes.
No mention about those who took out PPP’s during the Covid outbreak who didn’t need it.
So on top of everything else will they keep inflating and like they did before Trump drive business right out of the country again?
People with businesses and assets will need good tax accountants that know the expenses, deductions along with the current documentations they may not be aware of and changes that will occurs over time so there no surprises.

Greg Hunter, and probably the best advice you’ll ever get from Egon. Get out of paper including derivatives….and buy Gold! Not paper gold, and do it PDQ. We’re crashing from September forward!

Posted by silverngold @ 18:28 on August 31, 2022  


Posted by goldielocks @ 17:45 on August 31, 2022  

little red CCP badges Lol


Posted by goldielocks @ 17:37 on August 31, 2022  

I got a idea for desperate times. Before the end of the year if you have any shares left sell them, then buy them right back or switch half to other sectors you think will survive. Claim the tax loss for next year to ward off all those new tax sharks out there. But when you sell them next time of we live that long you’ll get taxed more them buying low.
People know to buy low sell high but when it comes down to do it they never have the stomach for it.
I’m looking to start accumulating divi stocks and maybe even buy some oil stocks by the end of the year to go long. It depends but I can’t see this rabid party doing the right thing anytime soon. Maybe used car sales companies or pick and pulls in California.

Tragic … Zelensky no patriot

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:03 on August 31, 2022  

Western Allies Led By UK’s Johnson Sabotaged Tentative Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal… In April

There’s mounting evidence that the war in Ukraine could have been over by this point, but key Western backers of Kiev sought to sabotage the potential for peaceful settlement through negotiations. That’s precisely what regional Ukrainian media reports concluded as early as May, soon after the UK’s Boris Johnson showed up in the capital on a “surprise” visit to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time the month prior


BG , IPSO , Goldie et al

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 15:32 on August 31, 2022  

Well , as long as we’re not pushing up daisies , there is hope .

well it’s ugly out there in PM land-dia

Posted by eeos @ 14:47 on August 31, 2022  

I’m not sure what the masters have in store, but it does look like total collapse straight ahead

Alex Valdor @ 10:5

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:06 on August 31, 2022  

We don’t want to be wearing little red CCP badges in 10 years!

Buygold @ 10:36

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:04 on August 31, 2022  

What’s that old saw: the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. I sure hope it doesn’t come to that!

I’m not going anywhere.

Are you enjoying an umbrella drink on the beach?

Buygold 11:20

Posted by goldielocks @ 11:47 on August 31, 2022  

Yeah, when all is said and done either way we will be looking like we stepped out of a boxing ring after a marathon.

It might be like economist M Friedman’s joke. I’ll change the story a bit but the points the same. Guy wakes up from a coma 20 yrs later calls his broker, he tells him gold is at 8000 silver 400. The guy says I’m rich. Then the operator gets on says that will be 5000 for the first two minutes.

Hey Alex

Posted by Buygold @ 11:21 on August 31, 2022  

Yes, I agree. I don’t think we’ll necessarily enjoy the victory either. This has not been worth the waiting and the constant beatdowns for me. I’d like to think that we’ll get the spike of the century, but I’m not sure at all that it will happen. I’m also not sure I’ll have any gold left when it finally does happen either, or I’ll even be alive.

These last 10 years have been full of missed opportunities in other sectors. Myopathy kills you in the market.



some of us are lurking – in shocked silence

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 10:57 on August 31, 2022  

Taipei is making a show of resistance to the CCP , but along with Zelensky , risks starting WW III (militarily and economically [already well under way] , which will hasten the obvious bankruptcy of our nation . Our Commander-in-Chief is stupid enough to think he can recreate the surge FDR created after Pearl Harbor . The difference is that we had idled manufacturing capabilities standing by , then . In this era , the Brezynski/Kissinger/Trilaterals have turned over the USA’s technological leadership to China decades ago . On top of that , wokism (wokeism?) has decimated even our military and corporate leadership ranks . Add to that , our military is vaccine damaged via DC mandates .

The PM’s will finally regain public trust and surge , but it will be a Pyrrhic victory , I believe .

Well Ipso

Posted by Buygold @ 10:36 on August 31, 2022  

Looks like you, me and Goldie are holding up the fort.

We have a bit of a comeback, but gains have been hard to hold lately.

I guess if NEM comes back then we’ll have a solid day but not looking good for NEM’

Nevermind, these gains aren’t going to hold.

edit: USD and rates starting to give up a little ground – very little.

LOL Europe still taking Russian gas … just paying a lot more for it!

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:56 on August 31, 2022  

China Is Aggressively Reselling Russian Gas To Europe


Nice to see some green in the PM shares. How this is possible I don’t know.

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:47 on August 31, 2022  


I steer clear of this place … both with my feet and investments

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:46 on August 31, 2022  

South African Supreme Court Rules Anti-White “Kill The Boers” Song Is Not Hate Speech


Maya @ 1:49

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:28 on August 31, 2022  

You see a lot of “shaping” of opinions over at Drudge these days. “Demos look to take over Senate” “Demos to take House” BS.
Drudge has really gone downhill since Matt Drudge sold it!

Sold to a Google affiliated company.


Posted by ipso facto @ 9:09 on August 31, 2022  

Alexco Announces Securityholder Approval of the Plan of Arrangement at Special Meeting and Provides Transaction Update


GR Silver Mining Announces Closing of $5.44 Million Brokered Private Placement Offering of Units


Blackrock Silver Closes $6.28 Million Brokered Private Placement




K2 Gold Identifies New Targets from VLF-EM Survey Completed at Wels Project, Yukon


Gold Terra Announces Initial Gold Recovery of 92% on Yellorex Zone, Con Mine Option Property, Yellowknife, NWT


ATAC Announces Surface Exploration Results and Commences Maiden Drill Program at its Catch Property, Yukon


Nevada Silver Corporation Announces Closing of North Star Manganese Financing


Minaurum Acquires 100% Interest in Alamos Silver Project


Aftermath Silver Drills 72.0m @ 1.20% Cu + 65 g/t Ag; and 22.30m @ 247 g/t Ag + 0.56% Cu Including 7.0m @ 593 g/t Ag + 1.26% Cu at Berenguela Project in Peru


Brixton Metals Drills 146m of 0.63 g/t Gold including 48m of 1.05 g/t Gold at its Trapper Target on its Thorn Project


Sun Summit Provides Exploration Update from the Buck Project; Focused on Drill Target Definition in Two High-Priority Areas


Silver Range Resources Ltd. Options the Bellehelen Project


South Atlantic Gold Announces Further Results from Phase II Exploration at Pedra Branca Project


LAURION Confirms Continuity from A-Zone to McLeod in Undrilled Areas and at Depth Intersecting up to 2.79 g/t Au, 0.34% Cu and 31.66 g/t Ag over 1.6 meters




Revival Gold Provides Update on Various Property Agreements


Canagold Resources Tenders Proposals for New Polaris Feasibility Study


Vanstar Mining Announces Additional Drill Results and Identifies New Zone at Bousquet-Odyno


Minera IRL Announces Additional Gold Prospect at Corihuarmi


Palladium One Adds Second Rig and Receives Smoke Lake Exploration Permit for the Tyko Project, Canada


Mundoro Options Out Exploration Property in Serbia to Kinross



Posted by goldielocks @ 7:18 on August 31, 2022  

Well one good thing is it looks like the Fed isn’t trying to default but the Demos are working against him. Every attempt he makes there they are, first cutting oil which was the tipping point when inflation in food and gas went up so fast and they could. I longer call it transitory as in housing, supply issues like lumber speeding the rise but the food gas was the last straw. So he starts hawkish and was kinda useless but here comes the Dems before the ink drys there spending, So then he increased it and the demos increased the spending.
For the economy’s sake he might have been better off not raising it and hand the blame on them where it belongs and they may have thought twice about it. But do they think? There beyond selfish and greedy and that’s being civil.
The voters got to really look at their tokens of generosity or throwing the dogs a bone. I can sum it up in a few words, They give a little but take a lot more. Then try to imagine if they were your roommate or business partner or financial adviser and got cheated out of what they took. Was that little bit they gave worth it. I wonder if they would get it? Maybe if you then put it in terms how much money they lost they could of invested or used in better ways or inflation of their bills,
Perhaps he knows what they planned so planned his numbers around it. I can only hope because he wants to slow down and by the end of next year and reverse again. So does that mean they’re going to stop their spending or expect the Repubs to take back the house so they can’t while handing them a bigger mess. But now we got a commodity, food and energy crisis.
We can only look so far ahead. Like throwing darts maybe a reprieve next Monday or Tuesday. I’m not looking that short term just re-evaluating my shorts.

What’s in the shit bucket for us today?

Posted by Buygold @ 6:58 on August 31, 2022  

Lower prices in the metals for starters.

Dollar on the move higher. Commodities getting whacked, led by oil down another $3. That’s down almost 10% in the last two days. Gasoline down, Nat Gas down, everything pretty much except Bitcoin which is up a couple of percent.

Still looking for the upside reversal in pm’s that never comes.

Hard to believe they are still able squeeze more blood out of silver. I’m actually afraid silver is headed back to $13, under $18 already. Amazing in a time of massive inflation. The Fed is definitely killing the economy and falling oil is the most important commodity causing the inflation. I actually think the Fed has a good chance of causing a deflationary depression. Course what follows will be more QE.

Hey Goldie

Posted by Buygold @ 4:46 on August 31, 2022  

How is the government going to pay its debts with the interest rates going up?

That is the trillion dollar question. I know it, you know it, but it is never mentioned in the media.

Bill Gross said the economy can’t take rates on the 10 yr. above 3%. It appears he may be right, but what happens when the Fed Funds rates hits 4 or 5?

Powell knows this which is why they’ve been trying so hard with the hawkish B.S.

A Wise Old News Man told me…

Posted by Maya @ 1:49 on August 31, 2022  

We are in the ‘shaping’ period before elections.  Expect the Dems to trot out dog & pony shows to make themselves look good.  And the media aids and abets all this to the fullest.

Look at headlines.  They are trying to sow seeds of doubt that the Reps can take over both houses.     Psycho Shaping campaign… now until elections.  Turn off the ‘news’.  It’s all propaganda.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 1:35 on August 31, 2022  

Have you seen the beaver?


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.