The dishonest dirt bags are trying to imply climbing wages cause inflation. Are inflationary. Fake easy money and low rates cause inflation. Employees don’t have printing presses. Workers don’t issue sub primes liar loans. Banks do.
In the 1970s prices were climbing relentlessly after removing gold backing to the US Dollar. So naturally wage earners needed higher wages to stay even. Or not lose purchasing power. And they did well keeping up without foreign competition, before cheap imports started killing jobs.
The Media is the enemy. Do not believe anything they say or imply. They want us to think higher wages cause inflation. aka “Wage Push Inflation” is another dirty trick these evil clowns used. If, wages have not kept up with inflation for DECADES, and wages are artificially low, and they suddenly pop up to where they belong, its not inflation. Its a correction.
Remember everything is in reverse. If its been too high it will drop, if its too low too cheap it will go up. Rents are too high. Airline tickets are too cheap. Remember when everybody found out R12 Freon would be banned? And everybody stocked up. You can still get R12 but its costs more.
Well, regarding all these Amazon warehouses popping up loaded with cheap imported consumer products? Maybe the retailors sense or know something about the end of cheap imports in the future. So they are unwittingly or purposely loading up like R12 Freon. So even if tariffs start or trade deals change, they will still have cheap imports in stock. And they might even go up in value like banned R12 Freon.