Is The Food Crisis Over Or Just Getting Started?
Is The Food Crisis Over Or Just Getting Started?
IAMGOLD Corporation — Moody’s downgrades IAMGOLD’s CFR to B3, concluding review; outlook negative
Gold Fields (GFI) Reports Higher Revenues and Profits in 1H22
Chile warns area around sinkhole at high risk of further collapse
Lion One Announces New Regional Gold Discovery 2 km Northeast of Tuvatu Alkaline Gold Project in Fiji
Benchmark Metals Announces Board Refreshment and Enhanced Governance Framework
Adamera Minerals Closes Non-Brokered Financing
IMPACT Silver Announces Q2 2022 Results Revenue of $3.5 Million, Net Loss of $0.79 Million
Robex: Reports Prefeasbility Study Results for Kiniero, US$ 199 Million Net Present Value, 1.28Moz of M&I and 1.4Moz of Inferred
Desert Gold Preliminary Metallurgical Results
Millrock Adds to Treasury From Royalty Sale
McFarlane Lake Announces Strategic Acquisition of New Claims for Its High Lake Property
Besra Gold: Quantum Metals Recovery Inc. Acquires a Substantial Besra Shareholder Position
Compass Intercepts 7 m at 2.85 g/t Gold With Deep Drilling at Moribala
TDG Gold Corp. Reports +8.9% Increased Gold Grades at Shasta From 2021 Reassays
Royal Fox Reports Mineralization from the Fault Zone Including 3.86 g/t Gold over 15.0 Metres and 4.29 g/t Gold over 21.5 Metres for the Fennec Fox Zone
TVI Pacific 30.66% owned TVIRD Balabag Gold and Silver Mine Completes Phase 6 Drilling Program
Crimex opens in 5 minutes…
Eco data this week includes the Friday jobs report – ugh…
Rates screaming, USD up a 1/4%, SM in trouble, as is Bitcoin. Oil bucking the trend up $.50
On the bright side, there’s always a chance that we get a spike down and reversal. LOL
The nightmare continues…
The usdx is approaching all time highs (last 20 years anyway). Stagflation is about to get out of control. The only cure is to reduce amount of fiat in circulation or curb velocity. I don’t see either happenings in the administration.
Yep Buygolds pretty right, guess no one can buy it when food became the next gold. It just sucks and followed the Dow the other day,
Less some reason and don’t quote me there won’t be much of a change in Dow till the first week of Sept and then maybe nothing will be in a straight line. Be it weekly, monthly pauses on and off. I’m not even looking much at the whole PM market less individual. It makes no sense,
I did noticed but haven’t been watching it much past few years and don’t know why I did at the end of the last move but it tends to do the opposite of last time be a move up or down. So if it went up slow the first time like after 2000, it could go up faster the second and vise versa on the way down. If it went down fast like 08, the second time like after recovery it went down slower.
Shortages are looking to be all over.
Peru had some sort of social up-evil over it.
It’s already starting here where things may run out like limited supply’s.
I went to a market last night to avoid the heat and crowds and they had a big sign on sweet corn but the whole table they had it on usually piled high when it comes in was empty, less someone had a really big party.
but they have been bullish for the better part of two months.
Silver is just being taken apart.
Six killed in mining convoy attack in eastern Burkina Faso
The Commitment of Traders Report
*The large specs increased their long positions by 1,300 contracts and increased their shorts by 9,308 contracts.
*The commercials increased their longs by 3,676 contracts and reduced their shorts by 4,456 contracts.
*The small specs increased their longs by 423 contracts and increased their shorts by 547 contracts.
*The large specs reduced their long positions by 769 contracts and increased their shorts by 14,548 contracts.
*The commercials increased their longs by 3,627 contracts and decreased their shorts by 12,010 contracts.
*The small specs increased their longs by 466 contracts and increased their shorts by 786 contracts.
A big change from last week with the bums influencing more specs to go short again. In silver there are more large specs short as of this report than long and the silver open interest is back down close to that appealing 135,000 number. Now if the precious metals had only rallied sharply today. That is the sort of price action we need on a day like this for a game changer. Until then, it is round and round we go.
Two other important findings were that blood samples from the vaccinated had “marked changes” and that more side effects were observed in proportion to “the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles.”
This indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines can effect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes,” the study states.
“We have established that the COVID-19 vaccines consistently contain, in addition to contaminants, substances the purpose of which we are unable to determine,” their study says.
“The purpose of which we are unable to determine”
Apparently hackers have got into iPhones 6 S and higher, Macs and iPads. They can take over your phone and computers as urged to do the update. The hackers can get control of your browser and well as financial information. That came out last week. They urge you do the update.
Tic Toc app also, has a privacy breach. Any site you click on their site and buy or pay for something they can see any financial information you put in.
I agree, they brought the culture in the first place. Although movies made it over crowded
There is a difference though in waiting till your 60 to try it then been doing it all along. Not a good time to try the big waves although they’d never make it out there. It would make me think anyone who would say that though doesn’t or never surfed themselves which makes it humorous and said in ignorance since there’s so many of the best surfers in the world now older. But I could definitely see that it would not be a good thing to say in Hawaii lol but learn the history.
Ps Better late than never. That said If post a pick of me in the late 60s surfing but they put my name on the pictures.
OMG don’t say that to the old Hawaiians! They are the best of the best, and got nuthin’ more to prove. Uncle Aikau in his 60s hit Waimea Bay 60+ footers…. with a torn rotator cuff and essentially only one arm. “Old Guy Surfing” is said with extreme reverence here.
Re old guy surfing
Now that’s funny. Lol The waves from what I seen anyway aren’t too high “ higher they are the longer you have to hold your breath” there, so a good place for old guys to surf. Mazatlan so? Had some pretty good ones I was going to check out years ago but got literally surrounded by vendors. I couldn’t even see the water. I had to go back to resort while they followed me until the armed guards cane out once I stepped in resort grounds,
That’s the only problem I see there if you wanted to surf is what beach, of you move away from tourist area you could be at risk of bandits but depends. Same with toll roads. Here you try to avoid them. There if you take off roads that’s where the bandits could lay in wait block the roads with guns and more pot holes and such. Although they have speed bumps on the roads too unmarked.
What I heard is people with residency went home then when things got crazy and restrictive here they went back. They said they had some rules but most weren’t enforced but depends what city’s but most much less restricted than here because they went enforced, Thru just didn’t comply. That’s how you get rid of those rules.
Dollar is going up while doing nothing for inflation with the demos brain dead actions, getting more expensive not less. Then what happens when the dollar value drops? Rent food gas or cost of living already too high now even with dollar up, it only helps other currency’s not ours.
So what happens when it drops?
Oliver been saying for months someone buys big on pullbacks since March
Michael Campbell
Jesse Ventura has been a guest on howard sterns radio show many times and has had a home in Mexico at least longer than a decade. He was even tryingg out some old guy surfing down there.
He mentioned on Howards sirus show the last time he was on that the Mexican authorities asked him to leave during the covid shutdown.
Compared to being careful not to get shot here lol
I’m pretty lucky about finding deals. Just have to be careful about the deals on the other side of the beach during hurricane season. Lol A friend in Texas is a bit nervous about how quiet it is on the gulf.
She is seeing similarities of before Rita. A bad one and was about the only one left in town before it hit. Nice sunny days went to pick up her dad so didn’t get the warning and no one on the road. Her shop got looted though before the hurricane and when the cops finally got there she had a gun in her face by the cops thinking they were still there when she was kneeling on the floor picking things up.
So I hope it just stays quiet this year but there on alert just incase.
That’s pretty cheap. Just don’t get shot!
Montana files legal challenge against Biden admin over plans to take land out of production