Wow that’s a lot of silver. Yes the Hunt brothers. I wonder why they didn’t sell, at least enough profits to cover incase something happened which it did. I remember hearing something about the government going after them on top of their loses and not knowing exactly what was going on thought they were probably money hunting.
But the point is it “ silver anyways” didn’t go up because of inflation, it went up because the Hunts were cornering the market. Was gold following silver in sympathy? What would of really happened if they didn’t.
People are basing that chart on not a monetary reaction but a corner the market “ what characters lol” of the Hunt brothers.
So between all the commodity traders do we have enough to do it again to get back at them? Lol Just kidding.
The youngsters knew it was being manipulated and started buying the physical after getting all that money taking down the hedge funds shorting a couple of stocks. The saw what they were doing and squeezed them out, That’s what they get for shorting a couple of business young people like especially gaming. The only thing it did though was drive the premiums up. So why is that? What happened to supply and demand less it was being manipulated? Even buying selling had premiums but not the price.
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