yeah I know the miners have to be struggling. This is a full-blown crash of the commodities. Nat Gas is down from near 10 to 6 and change. I think that’s just in the last few weeks. Oil absolutely getting murdered, no doubt a gift before the election to get gas prices below $3.
I do think that deflation is the best thing for pm’s. Obviously, it doesn’t protect us during inflation, market downturns, war or anything else. It is strictly a function of the USD and rates.
At the end of the day, it seems as though they are crashing the world markets, so none of the people have anything left and are easier (they think) to control by giving minimal handouts.
When we have nothing left to sustain us financially, a lot of the population will turn to their guns like they do now in the hood. I don’t want that, but it will have to happen.
First hour is done, let’s see what happens. Doesn’t look like there’s a comeback in anything, if so, there will be a lot of sleepless nights on Sunday.