Europe could also liquidate gold to pay their utility bills and food. Running to US dollars. I won’t trust buying gold till they are buying it.
Until then the dollar is still a safe haven.
It’s fueling the immigrant crisis.
Think of it. Bunch of people rent a small apt each paying a small portion for the rent. With increasing pay for unskilled labor even if the save 1000 a month. They transfer to their bank say in Mexico at 20/1 that’s 20 K pesos. They’ll be rich in no time.
What are we getting with the increased interest rates? Nada .05??? At least on 1980s they increased the interest.
Until I see a reversal in the rates and dollar decline will I believe it, or until I see it unfold there.
Didn’t they start lowering interest a rates before the 08 crash that went into 2008 and housing bottomed years later.
So will they get tricked again when it gets reversed.
Probably to pull the digital currency they can dilute next and charge you for holding it.
I wonder if they have a short financials in Europe. I know they have a short Euro here. They’ll probably move to US and other markets.
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