I’m not sure what you mean, the 1975 to 1980 era. Dow around $1000 all thru 1968 to 1982 June 1982 it was $796. So figure $1000 Dow in the 1970s times 20 the Dow should beĀ at $20,000, its way over priced still at $29,000.
Dow: untitled (mrci.com)
Over here Dollar was 120 in 2001 with $250 Gold. Today USD is almost 120 again, but Gold is around $1650.
USD https://finviz.com/futures_charts.ashx?t=DX&p=m1
Gold was $140 in the 1970s and times 20 S/B $2800 to stay equal. Gold is under priced. $1650 divide by 20 gold is back to $82/oz. not $140.
Dow monthly: https://finviz.com/futures_charts.ashx?t=YM&p=m1
Nobody knows what anything is worth unless you convert to loaves of bread, new cars, pizza slice old houses etc etc. Like one year of $100/week was $5000 per year salary a new car was $2500. So a years salary today should be at least equal to two new cars. $100,000 a year will buy two cars, so a high school graduate should be making $100k. $2,000/week before taxes.
The Strong Dollar Policy started before 1980 for globalization (global welfare called free trade) and to get inflation numbers lower with cheap imports. Reagon ’81-’89 did NOTHING to stop outsoursing jobs. The whole system is failing just like 1929.