Are you fantasizing again about the US failing? Nothing can be further from the truth sir. You should be worried about your own nation failing first. Do you know why the US can’t be beaten? I do. All the reasons this video explains, with one twist. We got the FED who turns on spigots and prints massively to make war possible. You got special OPs in Space X, DARPA, scram jet tech, lasers, and all kinds of experimental tools that will be exploited for war purposes. Do you realize that we’ve helped Ukraine kill 80,000 Russian troops so far? Do you know that it took them fighting the Taliban over 10 years in Afghanistan to reach 80,000 dead guys?
It’s all in the geography sir or the freaking Chinese and Russians would have ate our lunch a long time ago. This video isn’t a bunch of fairy tales, purple unicorns and it’s actually quite well researched.