You and I know this is a big casino, and we know it’s run fairly, but by their own casino rules…..which are…. heads they win and tails you lose…..and they don’t mind reversing that if you don’t think that’s fair….and make it tails they win and heads you lose. What could be more fair than that????????
I’ve also heard that the Fed and US Treasury…. and many private and public pension plans around the world, are now buying ETF’s to make it appear that all is okay….and since IMO ETF’s are empty bags full of nothing but polluted hot air, that tells me that we are heading into the greatest deepest and longest world depression ever, and as Aaron Brickman said, one that we will never recover from….. and that is why I have been warning everyone to get out of all ETF’s and into the 3 G’S (gold, guns, groceries) (and silver) … all physical in your possession, in whatever size you are comfortable with, and keep a low profile until the dust settles and we see how long this lasts and who survives this world crisis.
Here’s a Greg Hunter to put you to sleep.
Pleasant Dreams My Friend