OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Buygold @ 16:43 on October 15, 2022  

Agree they will cheat – they have to. No one would vote for what they’re doing to the country – except maybe my 84 y/o mother. She gets hysterical when questioned about it, and then goes on to say that there’s nothing she can do about it anyway.

Spoke to a Jewish guy (I know this because he told me 20 seconds into the conversation) in the gym a couple of weeks ago. I brought up the border and he said, “Trump should have finished the wall”, really?? They fought him for four years on the wall. I asked him about transgenderism in schools, he said “no that shouldn’t happen”. He said UKRAINE was the “most important war we’ve ever fought”. Huh? Why? I asked. He said because they are “resource rich and provide food to the world”- I said we want them for the spoils of war? he said no and then fumbled around. Today we hear that Israel will not provide any iron domes to their boy Zelensky. Why? I don’t think he actually realized how hypocritical he was. Lastly, I told him that the alphabet agencies need to be gutted, oddly enough he agreed.

This period reminds me of Germany in the 1920’s. Degradation of the culture, devoid of any common sense, just pushing the envelope on everything that went against morality. We know how that worked out.

I asked you years ago why 90% of the Jewish population voted left, you never answered. Why?

As for abortion, no one sits around thinking about abortion except crazy feminists and the snowflake college girls. It is not a defining issue in this election, and if it was, the increase in Hispanics voting R will more than compensate.



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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.