OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

This is from sagacious Zero Hedge readers….

Posted by Richard640 @ 9:37 on October 15, 2022  
During 2008, BEFORE Lehman, they had 60bln in dollar swap lines outstanding, and that didn’t do shit to prevent Lehman/AIG or anything that came later.  By Feb 2009 they had more than 600bln in swap lines and equities still took another month to bottom!

If the central banks are actually panicking, the only reason is because they don’t have the CBDC’s all ready to go.  Once they’re ready with those, the meltdown will really occur.

Just as Covid was a cover for what would have been an earlier economic collapse – we should start to undertand that evrything is happening for a reason.
The Central Banks are not panicking. That is the illusion they want us to believe. 
In reality – the CBDCs are ready. Likely have been for a long time, as everything that comes to the public via the news is last decades behind the scenes plan. 
Not only do they know the collapse is coming, they want it, and are making it happen. Theyve been at it for decades. 
The ‘panicking’ is just cover for the introduction of the catastrophic CBDCs. Total Control.
Problem. Check.
Reaction. Check.
Solution. CBDCs.
And the proletariat will beg for it! 

~335 million Americans. 87,000 new agents, who haven’t been hired yet, doubles the enforcement arm of the agency to 174,000.

So 0.0005 agents per American. Oooh. So scary. Be scared.

How have you people not realized yet that this is all optics?

In the Potemkin Village, fake structures were erected to please the King. In Potemkin America, fake government power is erected to scare the pleebs.

Dishonest money enables dishonest snakes.
How cool would it be if you place highly leveraged bets and if you started to loose, someone would hand you bags of money.  But if you win, you keep it all.
The mouse never knows why the cheese is free


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.