Since food is going to be a issue and gold or silver might not even help if there is none to sell.
I decided to get a noodle press because we’re of some of us are going to go back to making things yourself. I decided to look for a ravioli cut out too @ like cookie cutters.” I found some simple low cost ones. Okay then moved to searching crab meat for crab ravioli I can store.
OMG 200 a pound???!!! I had to settle for cheaper brands of shredded kind you wouldn’t put in crab cakes but hopefully okay for ravioli mixture.
I wouldn’t wait too long less you have some crab traps. I’m just not into that anymore. Last time years ago I’d kill them and the lobsters fast with a hammer. Not let them boil alive. I can still hear the crunch of their shells. I’m eating more vegetarian too.
Speaking of battles
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