I have been told privately by my late friend and poster Pict that many things, both good and bad, occur near or on number sequencing dates. Why I don’t know, but the poster I referenced does not waste his time posting drivel or nonsense….so when he “speaks”, I listen…. and this “portal in time” message was not prompted by anyone else; he just volunteered the info.
I think it depends which side of the fence you’re on as to whether what happens is good or bad. My personal thought was/is that we are very close to a Derivatives blowup that will shake the world and bring down all the monetary systems. IMO Derivatives are the only thing holding the markets up and the PM’s down, and over the past 20 or so years they have gone from a handful to almost 10,000 that cover and control all aspects of investments….and more than half of them are owned and controlled by Blackrock’s ALADDIN computer. No matter where I start I always seem to end up back here. Maybe you need to watch this again? Once you see it you can’t un-see it! Just saying!