Every time the Bozo Commie Media says there is a threat to Democracy, what they really mean, it’s a threat to the globalists GLOBAL Democracy, I repeat, GLOBAL Democracy.
Globalization, sharing the USA pie globally. They don’t want the USA to go its own natural way and enjoy its own pie, they DON’T want an independent American Republic or independence and self reliance on our part.
The rest of the world has gotten spoiled and fat eating our lunch for DECDAES, and there is nothing left for those commune lazy pigs. Free college, free medical coverage, unlimited sick time, unlimited unemployment checks, seven week vacations and free US military defense etc etc.
They used to consider the USA a fat prosperous pig with very high living standards. Thats was justification, how and why they fleeced us. Now its Europe China Japan et al that are the fat pigs. And we have to cut them off and its happening gradually. “No Soup For You” anymore.
And besides all that, any of you that bought a new imported car, unfortunately took the bait and should be ashamed of yourselves. Its the second most expensive product we buy after a house purchase. And if it was possible, the global commie buzzards would have us buying imported houses from China too.
They already took our cake and they still want the crumbs. All of you should start selling those cheap light weight death traps, and flood the markets with them and cause massive depreciation on used ones.