I wasn’t aware we are now a net importer of food.
I think anyone not afraid to look at the disaster they’re causing know somethings not right. Polls show the bipartisan majority know the demos are going in the wrong direction.
Trump did more good than they know and no harassing him is going to change that but continue to dig hole’s too stupid to let go. Like SNG’s quote what is seen cannot be unseen.
That’s not even the tip of the iceberg though.
Wait till people find out other countries are getting more information about what’s going on with Biden and Hunter behind closed doors than we are. That there is more censorship and corruption than we know going on.
A friend who has relatives and friends from Asia sent me a translated video from Asia info detailing what Biden and Hunter were doing I think before the laptop Hunter forgot came up.
Hunter and the big guy even aided in selling to China a company involved in technology in military aircraft.
We’re seeing more and more how other countries no longer trust this country’s politicians and will continue to watch to see just who’s side their on. Those “ enemy’s “ from within even openly disrespect, illegally spy on lie about and harass political opponents to cover or distract from their own corruption to hold on to power and avoid accountability.
But on the other hand another country such as China having all their information about them could easily get what they want if they fear being exposed. They appear to be a major security risk to this country and thus our ally’s as well as the people supposed to be watching it. Not to mention their compulsive liars to the point with Biden it’s almost funny.
I wonder if they really checked those sheep for illness.