Dollar down 0.4%, SM up a smidge, guessing rates will be flat to down.
Let’s try again.
edit: 10 yr. down 4 bips at 3.79%
Dollar down 0.4%, SM up a smidge, guessing rates will be flat to down.
Let’s try again.
edit: 10 yr. down 4 bips at 3.79%
Re: Johns Hopkins Metabolic Bone & Osteoporosis Center. “One of the reasons that there’s been an ‘increased prevalence’ in vitamin D deficiency over the last five to 10 years or so isn’t really because we’re all becoming vitamin D deficient. We’re just looking more for it now.”
Now that’s kinda funny, it made me laugh.
Instead saying more people have it than they realize it or vita D can decrease after a certain age it like oh that’s not abnormal it hasn’t increased we’re just looking for it now. How can they compare it to past if they didn’t look for it then? However I’m sure many doctors and nurses already knew that.
Diets have changed during time, activity, and the amount of sun. Perhaps too as we get older we don’t absorb enough to aid in making vitamin D as some geriatrics believe and need supplements. “Then coupled with not getting enough sun anymore.” Those with more sedentary lives physically like plus stuck inside more that outside likely with it too are going to be more prone to weaker bones than those who get out more and at least light weight bearing activities.
Diet and activity need to go together pretty much. Plus some common foods or drinks particularly pull calcium from the body like coffee, sodas unless you put it back. Addendum thought I’d add. Also metabolism like thyroid abd parathyroid and some medications.”
I’m not getting your point though. First you say you don’t worry about being exposed to toxins and people worry too much about them like mercury and went as far as soap on the other end. Then you say other things could kill you and sadly pointed to your wife taking or using certain things for health where that is a normal reaction in a abnormal situation looking for something to blame, even themselves. Sometimes rational or things that didn’t help other times when they don’t know can be irrational due to grief. When one of my brothers wife’s died young of pneumonia he looked for something to blame and targeted cigarettes.