Then maybe these smart people better keep reading and unwrap themselves before it’s too late. See what happens if they ask questions.
Do they care what chemtrails and Harrp are doing to the weather, air land and sea?
Deforestation, the palm oil they consume in the products and food they buy, the mass pollution of land and sea and killing of any life that moves by third world and China affecting all life forms.
Are they the same people who believed being locked down and injected with the Covid mRNA fraud was going to save them? In fact it did more harm than good didn’t it. China here they come.
But wars okay? And they’re smart people?
Did someone do their homework for them?
I guess after WW11 Europe lost too many brave people fighting for freedom from these weasels leaving too many of the basement dwellers walking around in blankets to come out when it’s safe again to run things and windup throwing away everything they fought for to something lesser than themselves to run their lives and profit on no less.
What a shame they turned into a nation of sheep and cowards.
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