And they are coming into the USA from all sides of the compass. Its possible the shadow gov’t or global business master planers influences are starting to rebuild the USA Economy. The last time they built us up was after 1900. They also built up many other countries from US consumers. China was probably the one of the last rebuilds. Full circle now its back to USAs turn.
The rest of the countries were fine to 2008. We were fine up to 1970. So the USA now has priority. Build us up with bringing back work and new fake jobs like Mt Rushmore, Bolder Damn rebuild Highways Bridges etc. Ant the same time people leaving other countries, makes the other countries better off. Frees up jobs businesses apartments etc.
We Topped off everyone’s tank, and we are running on fumes. The rest can start burning up their savings while we rebuild ours. China today is where USA was in the mid ’70s. Well off but a declining future. The USA today is like China in 1979. Bad off but a good future.
Note: The above is not valid if the US Federal Reserve Note, illegally doing business as U.S Dollar, suddenly has a massive FTX/Madoff/Lemon reset. They may have waited too long or moved too slow.