Gatorade and Powerade are grabbed up in summertime here which helps me go for the electrolyte infused flavored water that doesn’t go up in price. “ I never felt dehydrated in Hawaii fir some reason. Maybe because it gets hotter here.
Gatorade has sodium but it full of sugar. Sugar can actually slow down the absorption of water which is okay as long as your not dehydrated already or all you have. Powerade is full of high fructose so worse. But Gatorade also as vita A and too much can be toxic. Plus the food coloring is cancerous.
Coconut water is better and has more electrolytes. Your probably familiar with it being used to transfuse.
Also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides similar to statin drugs.
But only a couple glasses a day less your constipated or could cause diarrhea.
You can mix it up to Gatorade, coconut water, watermelon juice, electrolyte infused water, pedialyte now flavored plus you can make your own electrolyte concoction or smoothies.
Or you can just say heck with all that and just buy Gatorade cuz the sugar and flavor taste better lol
Since your locked down it will do for now though, just watch out for too much because of the A.
There’s another good one but can’t remember the name anymore but meant mostly for people with medical issues that needed optimal hydration without IVs.