has Globalists on its board of Directors..thats very sad to me..I was in on their IPO 50 years ago or there abouts..It was a very well run company back then and I made some good money on that IPO….but so many good Brokerages with excellent research staff have been bought out by companies that exploit the good will the small guys created .Mine was bought out by a BANK then I moved to another broker,and they were bought out and then another ..thats when I went on line trading with Scott Trade and then they were bought by TDameritrade,that was a division of Toronto Dominion Bank, who has now been bought by Schwab ..Everybody wants to be a Globalist and tell others how to live and trade…Maybe an economic collapse might restore some of that ,but it wont be without some pain…They are gonna need to get rid of the dead wood at the TOP first.just like the FBI and CIA….
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