I’ll try the link again. Said they’re spraying filler on the cameras, how terrible that was, the price of it and where you can get it lol Hope they use cash. Paint will work too.
They tried to put speed and registration on cameras here but the people weren’t having it. In another state near by was years back they set them on fire.
They want to hassle drivers all together. They’re just to many people for these self proclaimed rulers of the world they’re just in their way as their destinations are more important than everyone else’s.
They changed the speed limit here in places years back before people knew it sat there waiting giving tickets out.
About that time I got a camera ticket as sometimes I stop way behind the line then when I turn it’s a double check if there’s a lot of traffic. Well they didn’t count the initial stop just the merging out checking for traffic or pedestrians.
I called a arty cuz the systems corrupt they just want the money is all it’s about and told them I want the company profiting off it in court. Subpoena them. They came bask they’ll offer the paperwork. I told them no I want them subpoenaed.If it’s gonna cost me it’s gonna cost them more.
Well they never showed up or got their money.